Thursday, May 5, 2011


Dear Mr. President, discriminated President, ladies and gentlemen,shenzhen massage, Mr President, first and foremost I would like to thank Xu Zhihong President, thank you so very friendly and warm reception and lecture, especially famous in China, Peking University, Thank you for inviting me to come to this sacred location of China's political modernization, elaborate on the Sino-French relations and the prospects of French views and ambition.
Dear friends, tomorrow will be the world power of China, an tin even mention that the world's largest power. This quick prosperity and progress ahead, no merely will alteration the face of China, will change the face of the globe. We absence apt work together to make the essential thinking, the development of China aboard the global political, economic,UNESCO Beijing Office, , cultural, ecological equilibrium the shock of coupler musing.
many of you human, the future will transform the hereafter chairmen of China. your behavior,shanghai escort, your imagination, your decision-making, not only will determine the future of new China, but also influence the future fate of the world. because in the elapse no longer exists naturally probability, and you will live in a complex and changeable, erratic but magnetic world.
In such a world, increasing interaction between people, economic development, science and technology, invention, will be for us to overcome poverty, to build a global conscience and bring new hope, so that each culture would get what they ambition .
but in such a world, we will see, terrorism arrogance got the upper hand, some countries insist, in violation of its international commitments,shanghai escort, with nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, to appliance the power plan.
this The world is full of contradictions, one of the global resurgence of nationality and wavering between the West and Islam, secular and religious, north and south, needy and wealthy countries, between cultures of the world face increasing danger of separation. But scandal for those people in countries long history, this is a hopeful world. especially in Asia, the rapid rise of emerging prosperity of countries in this world, the face is rooted in history and culture of thousands of new modern model the West has slowly lost its advantage of.
the world has become so intricate, so interdependent, that no one power can not arbitrarily prevail this world.
precisely because the world is still hovering in the between stability and muddle, because we still remember the words of Confucius's philosophy, and accustom within a mighty, legitimate, for the people to accept the framework of international organizations, shared responsibility; in harmony, judge, solidarity under the premise that globalization is well controlled Bing benefit of mankind. the spirit of this belief, the French support United Nations reform, to strengthen its legitimacy, expanding the Security Council so that it can characterize the new balance of the world.
In this principle, we are compliant to establish a political Europe, this faith leads us to work entire out to make this political Europe can take liability to protect world peace. This belief has prompted us and additional Group of Eight summit in the global context of economic organization, is committed to creating a talk with the emerging powers. This belief, too contributed to our recognition of cultural diversity and make unremitting efforts, especially via the value doing?
period in the pursuit of world balance, which in the search for dialogue and harmony, based on its experience and sagacity of archaic cultures, between Europe and Asia, there is an objective alike views. we have no power confrontation, only the common interests between us. It is for this reason, the French first made some major recommendations, questing to shrink the distance between Asia and Europe, such for establishment of ASEM, the EU and China, India, Japan and other eastern between the large powers strategic partnership, Bing, and contributed to the European Union will presently approve the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation.
Dear friends, in recent years, the world faces a solemn crisis, the emergency would have been a digit of common values countries every division. I feel that today we can better obliged the magnitude of the international community is united in this spirit of solidarity should be reflected in particular in the United Nations Security Council. for the face of peril, the worst Mo also each his own, and did nothing. This is a common responsibility in Europe and China,guangzhou massage, France and China to accept that perspective to develop a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. the face of the actions of North Korea and Iran, multilateralism must show its validity, if left unchecked, we will lose all influence, credibility and legitimacy. stand method that we face a threat to international peace and security when the meek, alternatively encourage acts of unilateralism, and its consequences and difficulties, we have witnessed over.
This namely today's reality, as the love of independence and the morale to withstand exotic raid, we have adore as citizen sovereignty, ceremony of the conviction of non-interference in interior affairs. But while a nation violates its agree, a threat to truce, we have to follow the collective norms, to take the necessary measures and operations, to shield world peace and security.
not one can tolerate violence against the civil population along the line but acts of impunity. Darfur in Africa, the United Nations should protect the civil population has been acknowledged, so we are mingled, doing in rigid accordance with the Charter. In this spirit of collective responsibility, I determined to partake in this special tribute to the People's Liberation Army stationed in Lebanon, the United Nations Interim reinforcements also praised China on the establishment of peacekeeping actions exercising center's determination, these practices can reflect the prestige and role of the United Nations, which is a very momentous initiative.
darling friends, the urgency of the political crisis should not make us forget the other global challenges posed at the threat, because these threats and even affect the survival of mankind.
intensified in human nature to be destructive to the looting, when one unprecedented ecological crisis is taking shape. Because China is a vast , the rapid development and culling of its decision on the balance of global warming and the environment will have a meaningful impact.
However, we know thatthis immediately built on altitude of damage and garbage of normal resources, industrial development model, if the international promotion of the people will be in serious danger. If the world becomes incapable to breathe, then what is the use of economic progress it? no one in China's economic growth is not appreciated, but it is in the sulfur dioxide and emissions of carbon dioxide, respectively, the 1st and second highest in the world. formative the economy and retention normal resources and nourishing ecological balance, coordination among the three, is in its eleventh five-year blueprint is decided to face the dare . It is for this cause that the French initiative to establish a United Nations surroundings organization, Bing, and shrieked on China to react to this initiative.
With the advance of globalization, most of China to combine the vigor and vitality in the process of modernization . in other regions, especially Africa, hundreds of millions of men and women and children are still living in the forgotten turns of progress, many penury, disease and despair, suffering. the face of such challenges, we should not both to their own devices. The next conference of China-Africa Summit and the Africa and France will be our work together to help the poorest countries a nice opportunity. because of health and health attention should be the rights of all.

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