Thursday, May 5, 2011

for fewer fresh vegetables in winter

Spring, including the beginning of spring, rain, Waking of Insects, equinox, Tomb Sweeping Festival, Guyu 6 gas. Spring is the time of renewal the beginning of the season is the hair growth, by the cold weather, warm, natural germination of a diversity of biological growth. Climate warming, more rainfall, meantime also suitable for propagating of various bacteria and microorganisms, and people through the winter Zheju, the body has more heat to the body resistance weakened, malign is also easy to take advantage of the easy to attack from a variety of traditional illnesses. in the skin, a number of psoriasis disease, eczema, allergies are the spring started to increase. In order to enhance immunity, reduce skin problems, skin care and we need to pay more attention in their daily life.

a skin care
1. opposition the spring susceptivity increased sand, pollen additional 3 to 6 months each year, there ambition be more patients with skin allergies to the hospital. common diseases are urticaria, fodder fever, and adjoin dermatitis.
urticaria: too understood for urticaria . Some human allergic constitution,beijing escort, the breath of dust mites, pollen, feathers, drifting in the air after a number of mercurial chemical gases, tin be sick. patients presented with sudden itching of peel, and then the flat of size ranging from a tall wheal-like rash, it is likewise shrieked urticaria. rash and some pearly, some ruddy, and extra from the more accessible throughout the body. rash can be self-limiting in a short time, but simple to reiterated aggressions, and some may convert continuing urticaria, the disease incidence of consecutive months or even years. If keen urticaria happened in laryngeal mucosa can lead to prevention, breast tightness, severe cases can suffocate, or as life-threatening anaphylactic impact.
hay fever: pollen spread, there are two ways, an by insects; the second is scatter by wind, pollen in the air unlocked into the atmosphere. Some people allergic constitution after exposure to pollen, pollen occurs dermatitis, also known as pollen disease. patients showed allergic rhinitis, rash, body itching, sneezing, runny proboscis, watery eyes, or even chest tightness, asthma and additional omens. and some people catkins, Yanghwa allergies, every catkins flying, swirling season Yanghwa , these people face, hands and other exposed portions will be redness, itching.
contact dermatitis. As the patient exposure to some objects, mainly caused by the vegetation dermatitis. There are many plants of leaves, stems, flowers, fruit such as stimulation of the role of human skin, such as sumac, annoy, pyrethrum and so on. if deliberately exposed to these plants, the light exposed parts have itching or scalding sensation, localized erythema, papules, or a pin the size of dense swelling and grief severe erythema and blistering. there will be a small number of severe cases of fever, chills, headache, nausea and other symptoms. such diseases such as treatment in a timely form, handled properly, generally 10 days can be cured. if it were not for handled properly, may turn into a chronic dermatitis.
present allergies still not completely cure the course, is effectively symptomatic treatment. In the team of flowers blooming, pollen float of the season, people with allergies as tiny as likely into the brutal, tree or flowers to the activity, working to dress a mask, glasses, etc., to minimize the exposed parts can also be served forward of a number of anti-allergy drugs, such as open Ruitan, cetirizine and so on. After the allergic skin disease, do not ointments applied to the pharmacology to buy their own because the bulk are for outer use involving hormones, and if the formation of hormones accustom in facial dermatitis, the patient showed soon bear fruit shortly after management, but increased after management, long-term use proceed evolution of narcotic reliance, the skin becomes rowdy, atrophy, more severe rash symptoms, treatment attach is more laborious. Therefore, the best to a regular hospital patients were allergic patch test, sensitization clear reasons, symptomatic treatment beneath the guidance of a medic.
2. moisturizing.
northern spring, sandstorms are frequent. dry spring to reduce the humidity in the air, though the sun is not strong, but the brightness significantly longer time to begin. These people on the skin is dry, does not seem so superb, which makes the skin have been too few to detriment of water content, resulting in the symptoms of skin dehydration.
skin is the body's natural barrier, direct contacts with the outside world, the most vulnerable to infringement of dry weather in spring. In particular, in north China, spring wind, air drying, easy to make facial skin moisture content decreased, appears dry crumple, local phenomena such as molt, or wrinkle. Therefore, people should pay special attention in spring moisturizing skin care. often in outdoor activities, voyage, principally those who do a good job of self-protection, wear a sun cap, apply sunscreen or lotions to prevent sun exposure.
spring moisturizing skin care products elected should be followed breathable, pay, the principle of humidity than winter skin care products used in oil lower as well. This will not affect the regular clear skin, but also provide nutrition and protection to the skin. Water is the best beauty agent, wash your face with warm water while it is appropriate alternating cold, can eradicate face grease, but also promote skin blood circulation, so that the web slight face and tender. in the bath or wash your face, do not over-use of facial portly and strong, Cleansing Milk, otherwise the skin will lose the protection of the absence of lipid film to the appearance world resistance, could lead to skin allergies, lack of skin humidity, wrinkles. moisturizing skin care productions can increase the use of long-term situation of working in a dry environment, you can use moisturizing spray to improve the state of dry skin. In addition, often knead for the facial skin, can also improve the skin condition, to increase water absorption.
spring, people should pay attention to increase water to the body, in addition to the normal complement of water during the day, the a.m. before going to bed and nectar a glass of water after the best, This is not only good for moisturizing the skin, but also reduce the blood, good for cardiovascular health. In addition, fresh fruit beverage, vegetable juice, tea, drinks are very good.
3. anti-sun sunny spring
, the sun's ultraviolet enhanced elevation of 1,000 meters per increased, the content of ultraviolet radiation in brightness to increase by 10%. When people go out to picnic excursion, the outdoors is often a strong sun's ultraviolet rays will cause skin break, evoked by solar dermatitis. For most people, sun for several hours to more than 10 hours later, will emerge on exposed skin desquamation, itching, burning, and swelling and other symptoms Latong, and some patients showed erythema, papules, and scales and so on, people known as the Avoid direct brightness; do not use basic cosmetics and soap, these items have stimulating effects on the skin. often have outdoor activities, it should be noted at the sunscreen on exposed skin, but because of the spring sun does not so strong as in summer, not to use high SPF sunscreen. because high SPF sunscreen is generally more oily, but also relatively poor permeability.

Second, emotional regulation in the medical point of
that the spring is a wood, and the corresponding liver. Liver dispersion, hi intonation of the bad depression. So in Spring, in the emotional aspects, to strengthen self-cultivation, so open-minded and happy. avoid the spirit of rage and depression. In spring to make their own emotional and spiritual vitality of nature to adapt, to facilitate the spring sun of the hair growth.
spring, nature, vibrant, Vientiane update, things began life, in the spirit nursed back to health, should also be obedient nature, focus on a comfortable nature, so affective, tired, since the illnesses and longevity can be.
modern remedial research shows that negative emotions easily lead to penniless liver qi stagnation, the neuro-endocrine system disorders, decreased immune function, easily lead to mental illness, liver disease, cerebrovascular disease, contagious disease. Therefore, the spirit of the spring should be eminent that nursed back to health, optimistic, cheerful mood, so that qi Shunda, played the role of disease prevention and health attention.
in the diet, mention Chinese food is divided into nursed back to health
, bitter, sweet, acrid, salty acidic alkaline foods constantly say that the signification of taste and smell similar, but not too absolute. The Chinese have said the sweet taste of food, not only refers to the food tasted a bit sweet, but more importantly is to have a tonic role of the spleen and stomach, such as jujube and yams.
of orthodox medicine pay attention to ecology and man, Chun-Sheng Xia Zhangqiu received winter provisions, then the people should patronize positive spring and summer, autumn and winter Yin. and the five interior organs, corresponding with the 4 seasons, spring is a wood, qi Wang. Chinese that the 'liver is too busy', roughly equivalent to that of people nervous,shanghai escort, sympathetic nerve activity is about the modern language of 'stress' rejoinder to the state. qi Wang, people irritable, nervous, easily peppery. medic Sun Ssu Tang said: to reserve his temper. , the rule is to reduce mordant dietary benefits Gan Yang temper. because the spring is easy grams of liver Wang tolerate illness caused by cutting Pitu, and of the acid taste of the liver and therefore should be fewer sour, can no longer contribute to liver in order to avert too muscular, so grams to protect against cutting temper. Gan is the savor of the spleen, liver in order to resist the potentiality of damage, amplify the sweet taste to promote the temper, can strengthen the body's defense for this.
the so-called the averaging of basic food, taste and smell alike, but not too total. The Chinese have said the sweet taste of food, not only refers to the food tasted a morsel sweet, but more importantly is to have a tonic role of the spleen and stomach, such as jujube and yam. entire grains, maximum of them considered as a , walnuts, chestnuts, etc., are not entirely to the taste points. If the for the dietary principles.
the spring to scale up body metabolism, nutrition, expense increases, so should be more alternative of either fat and nutritious liters of food, such as: bean sprouts, green bean sprouts, tofu, tempeh, barley, wheat, dates, lean meat, fish, eggs, peanuts, sesame seeds, oranges, bananas, honey, ginger, onions, garlic and the like; because less fresh vegetables in winter, intake of vitamin deficiency, accumulation of the winter to dispense heat out, so would also like to eat some fresh vegetables, such as: bamboo shoots, spring grasses, rape, spinach, celery, shepherd's wallet, Maryland food, wolfberry head, toon first level, can activity a heat purging bombard, cooling eyesight, bulging diuretic, appetite and so on.
for physical allergies, susceptibility to pollen allergy, urticaria, skin diseases and other patients should be fasting and other irritating foods containing protein opposite sex, such as: lamb, dog, pig, chicken head, sea fishy fish moths, crabs and the like.
In addition, attention should be paid in the diet to eat less spicy, more fresh vegetables, fruits and other foods cool moisture to offset the imbalance in vivo. such as: orange peel when boiled water to drink, you can phlegm quench lust,there namely a real peppery sulfur springs ., and stomach qi; soaked with Chine and reed rhizome, or pear, water chestnuts, peeled Jianshui drink, you can heat lungs; eat carrots for qi, phlegm, and stomach.
spring temperatures, the bacteria, viruses are also vigorous, eat more conducive to regulate immune function of food, can eat some vegetables, such as Houttuynia, which functions very good resistance to infection, boiled, that special kind of fishy can go to a lot of savor, and then mingled with the cold tray seasoning slightly.
four, exercise
spring, retrieval of all things, yang Sheng-fa, the normal earth appeared thriving, vibrant scene. However, the spring windswept, turns warm afresh, the temperature inconsistency between day and night, so in Spring have to take these characteristics, emulate the spring climate germinal snug air, and consideration to weather variability, from all aspects of their daily life to accustom, to have very important to maintain physical and cerebral health character.
yang hair growth in order to encounter the absences of the spring, can join their own physical condition, increase the outdoor sports, the form can be flexible. kite-flying is a very suitable for spring sports. kite-flying activities to improve our cervical can also clear the Lord brain.
human health and the season to knot up in order to attain better results, that is, methodology of Chinese medicine's Spring is the best season of physical investment. spring, fresh air, this kind of environment most favorable to renaissance and sufficient to support the organs. life is campaign. shaking the support form, live is blood stream. a regular activity, appropriate exercise, which is the hidden of longevity via the ages. However, said: Erwu fine, the air of spring should be, is also agreeable health. more to outdoor amusements, such as: wading, scampering, hiking, exercise, boxing, playing,shanghai massage, dance, hitting Arab Spring, skipping, etc., to improve blood circulation, improve heart and lung function, and thus get more oxygen to the brain tissue obtained more blood and oxygen to the brain tissue can adapt to seasonal changes in blood circulation.
in sports, action should extend, flat, slow, like a hundred herbs sprout, Feng Bai Stir, superficial and not too quick or exercise too massive. longevity of prominent archaic physician Sun Ssu said: intention.
In appending, activities to be carried out spring tour. Spring called corner h to adopt the sun, air bath, in a world of flowers and green oceans, people in high spirits and feel merry, to improve persona, the effect of self-cultivation.
sunny spring, nature has witnessed a brisk scene. However, people feel comfortable, brisk, and but will produce drowsiness and sleepiness, with a short winter than spring nightfall, people feel Chinese phenomenon called redistribution of blood , or the rich flavor of the melodies and comic humor pieces, which inspired their hearts, eliminating the stomach. Therefore, the spring should eat some level of sweet, rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in food, such as: lean beef, egg, fresh vegetables, fruits, etc.;
four to keep the indoor air prevalence, less smoking, if necessary too cold to cut more fitting clothing or bathe your face with cold water, will clear as soon as possible so sleepy;
five to physical play. slumberous, you can stand up, activities, physical activities, Beng Bengtiao bound to Shujinhuoxue, Tom Lee joints, the brain excited, get rid of turbidity, oxygen rarity, hooded sleeping lightly reason chest tightness, nausea, or waking during slumber, sweating, and the effect of nap.
avoid holding back urine by night. cool spring night, after sleeping fall butme people chilly and do not want them to urinate, growing contingent of time holding back urine. This will not merely prone to urinary tract infections and sleep, will result in psychological stress, enhance blood pressure.
avoid windows and doors closed because of continued behind closed doors after the indoor oxygen reduce carbon dioxide levels increased gradually shut doors and windows, the body's skin pores and indoor go far in the debris emitted the odor of gas, but also make people disturbed and affect desire and sleep.
in Spring: accordingly, the spring health in daily life,guangzhou escort, sensations, diet, exercise districts, shall conform to the spring rise yang cilia up all the characteristics of germination, in order to nourish the respective poise among the context.
supplementary memorandum:
1. Regular shampoo , to amplify the accustomed of shampooing floor to prevent sensitive matter such as dust, pollen, etc. spliced to the hair, and then cause skin allergies.
2. more intake of vitamin A, C and E, which are advantageous to the skin above healthy skin so is more essential for emotional skin.
3. Life must be rules to maintain a balanced diet and ample sleep.
4. to avoid undue sun exposure, use sunscreen for sensitive skin-specific .

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