Thursday, May 5, 2011

for fewer fresh vegetables in winter

Spring, including the beginning of spring, rain, Waking of Insects, equinox, Tomb Sweeping Festival, Guyu 6 gas. Spring is the time of renewal the beginning of the season is the hair growth, by the cold weather, warm, natural germination of a diversity of biological growth. Climate warming, more rainfall, meantime also suitable for propagating of various bacteria and microorganisms, and people through the winter Zheju, the body has more heat to the body resistance weakened, malign is also easy to take advantage of the easy to attack from a variety of traditional illnesses. in the skin, a number of psoriasis disease, eczema, allergies are the spring started to increase. In order to enhance immunity, reduce skin problems, skin care and we need to pay more attention in their daily life.

a skin care
1. opposition the spring susceptivity increased sand, pollen additional 3 to 6 months each year, there ambition be more patients with skin allergies to the hospital. common diseases are urticaria, fodder fever, and adjoin dermatitis.
urticaria: too understood for urticaria . Some human allergic constitution,beijing escort, the breath of dust mites, pollen, feathers, drifting in the air after a number of mercurial chemical gases, tin be sick. patients presented with sudden itching of peel, and then the flat of size ranging from a tall wheal-like rash, it is likewise shrieked urticaria. rash and some pearly, some ruddy, and extra from the more accessible throughout the body. rash can be self-limiting in a short time, but simple to reiterated aggressions, and some may convert continuing urticaria, the disease incidence of consecutive months or even years. If keen urticaria happened in laryngeal mucosa can lead to prevention, breast tightness, severe cases can suffocate, or as life-threatening anaphylactic impact.
hay fever: pollen spread, there are two ways, an by insects; the second is scatter by wind, pollen in the air unlocked into the atmosphere. Some people allergic constitution after exposure to pollen, pollen occurs dermatitis, also known as pollen disease. patients showed allergic rhinitis, rash, body itching, sneezing, runny proboscis, watery eyes, or even chest tightness, asthma and additional omens. and some people catkins, Yanghwa allergies, every catkins flying, swirling season Yanghwa , these people face, hands and other exposed portions will be redness, itching.
contact dermatitis. As the patient exposure to some objects, mainly caused by the vegetation dermatitis. There are many plants of leaves, stems, flowers, fruit such as stimulation of the role of human skin, such as sumac, annoy, pyrethrum and so on. if deliberately exposed to these plants, the light exposed parts have itching or scalding sensation, localized erythema, papules, or a pin the size of dense swelling and grief severe erythema and blistering. there will be a small number of severe cases of fever, chills, headache, nausea and other symptoms. such diseases such as treatment in a timely form, handled properly, generally 10 days can be cured. if it were not for handled properly, may turn into a chronic dermatitis.
present allergies still not completely cure the course, is effectively symptomatic treatment. In the team of flowers blooming, pollen float of the season, people with allergies as tiny as likely into the brutal, tree or flowers to the activity, working to dress a mask, glasses, etc., to minimize the exposed parts can also be served forward of a number of anti-allergy drugs, such as open Ruitan, cetirizine and so on. After the allergic skin disease, do not ointments applied to the pharmacology to buy their own because the bulk are for outer use involving hormones, and if the formation of hormones accustom in facial dermatitis, the patient showed soon bear fruit shortly after management, but increased after management, long-term use proceed evolution of narcotic reliance, the skin becomes rowdy, atrophy, more severe rash symptoms, treatment attach is more laborious. Therefore, the best to a regular hospital patients were allergic patch test, sensitization clear reasons, symptomatic treatment beneath the guidance of a medic.
2. moisturizing.
northern spring, sandstorms are frequent. dry spring to reduce the humidity in the air, though the sun is not strong, but the brightness significantly longer time to begin. These people on the skin is dry, does not seem so superb, which makes the skin have been too few to detriment of water content, resulting in the symptoms of skin dehydration.
skin is the body's natural barrier, direct contacts with the outside world, the most vulnerable to infringement of dry weather in spring. In particular, in north China, spring wind, air drying, easy to make facial skin moisture content decreased, appears dry crumple, local phenomena such as molt, or wrinkle. Therefore, people should pay special attention in spring moisturizing skin care. often in outdoor activities, voyage, principally those who do a good job of self-protection, wear a sun cap, apply sunscreen or lotions to prevent sun exposure.
spring moisturizing skin care products elected should be followed breathable, pay, the principle of humidity than winter skin care products used in oil lower as well. This will not affect the regular clear skin, but also provide nutrition and protection to the skin. Water is the best beauty agent, wash your face with warm water while it is appropriate alternating cold, can eradicate face grease, but also promote skin blood circulation, so that the web slight face and tender. in the bath or wash your face, do not over-use of facial portly and strong, Cleansing Milk, otherwise the skin will lose the protection of the absence of lipid film to the appearance world resistance, could lead to skin allergies, lack of skin humidity, wrinkles. moisturizing skin care productions can increase the use of long-term situation of working in a dry environment, you can use moisturizing spray to improve the state of dry skin. In addition, often knead for the facial skin, can also improve the skin condition, to increase water absorption.
spring, people should pay attention to increase water to the body, in addition to the normal complement of water during the day, the a.m. before going to bed and nectar a glass of water after the best, This is not only good for moisturizing the skin, but also reduce the blood, good for cardiovascular health. In addition, fresh fruit beverage, vegetable juice, tea, drinks are very good.
3. anti-sun sunny spring
, the sun's ultraviolet enhanced elevation of 1,000 meters per increased, the content of ultraviolet radiation in brightness to increase by 10%. When people go out to picnic excursion, the outdoors is often a strong sun's ultraviolet rays will cause skin break, evoked by solar dermatitis. For most people, sun for several hours to more than 10 hours later, will emerge on exposed skin desquamation, itching, burning, and swelling and other symptoms Latong, and some patients showed erythema, papules, and scales and so on, people known as the Avoid direct brightness; do not use basic cosmetics and soap, these items have stimulating effects on the skin. often have outdoor activities, it should be noted at the sunscreen on exposed skin, but because of the spring sun does not so strong as in summer, not to use high SPF sunscreen. because high SPF sunscreen is generally more oily, but also relatively poor permeability.

Second, emotional regulation in the medical point of
that the spring is a wood, and the corresponding liver. Liver dispersion, hi intonation of the bad depression. So in Spring, in the emotional aspects, to strengthen self-cultivation, so open-minded and happy. avoid the spirit of rage and depression. In spring to make their own emotional and spiritual vitality of nature to adapt, to facilitate the spring sun of the hair growth.
spring, nature, vibrant, Vientiane update, things began life, in the spirit nursed back to health, should also be obedient nature, focus on a comfortable nature, so affective, tired, since the illnesses and longevity can be.
modern remedial research shows that negative emotions easily lead to penniless liver qi stagnation, the neuro-endocrine system disorders, decreased immune function, easily lead to mental illness, liver disease, cerebrovascular disease, contagious disease. Therefore, the spirit of the spring should be eminent that nursed back to health, optimistic, cheerful mood, so that qi Shunda, played the role of disease prevention and health attention.
in the diet, mention Chinese food is divided into nursed back to health
, bitter, sweet, acrid, salty acidic alkaline foods constantly say that the signification of taste and smell similar, but not too absolute. The Chinese have said the sweet taste of food, not only refers to the food tasted a bit sweet, but more importantly is to have a tonic role of the spleen and stomach, such as jujube and yams.
of orthodox medicine pay attention to ecology and man, Chun-Sheng Xia Zhangqiu received winter provisions, then the people should patronize positive spring and summer, autumn and winter Yin. and the five interior organs, corresponding with the 4 seasons, spring is a wood, qi Wang. Chinese that the 'liver is too busy', roughly equivalent to that of people nervous,shanghai escort, sympathetic nerve activity is about the modern language of 'stress' rejoinder to the state. qi Wang, people irritable, nervous, easily peppery. medic Sun Ssu Tang said: to reserve his temper. , the rule is to reduce mordant dietary benefits Gan Yang temper. because the spring is easy grams of liver Wang tolerate illness caused by cutting Pitu, and of the acid taste of the liver and therefore should be fewer sour, can no longer contribute to liver in order to avert too muscular, so grams to protect against cutting temper. Gan is the savor of the spleen, liver in order to resist the potentiality of damage, amplify the sweet taste to promote the temper, can strengthen the body's defense for this.
the so-called the averaging of basic food, taste and smell alike, but not too total. The Chinese have said the sweet taste of food, not only refers to the food tasted a morsel sweet, but more importantly is to have a tonic role of the spleen and stomach, such as jujube and yam. entire grains, maximum of them considered as a , walnuts, chestnuts, etc., are not entirely to the taste points. If the for the dietary principles.
the spring to scale up body metabolism, nutrition, expense increases, so should be more alternative of either fat and nutritious liters of food, such as: bean sprouts, green bean sprouts, tofu, tempeh, barley, wheat, dates, lean meat, fish, eggs, peanuts, sesame seeds, oranges, bananas, honey, ginger, onions, garlic and the like; because less fresh vegetables in winter, intake of vitamin deficiency, accumulation of the winter to dispense heat out, so would also like to eat some fresh vegetables, such as: bamboo shoots, spring grasses, rape, spinach, celery, shepherd's wallet, Maryland food, wolfberry head, toon first level, can activity a heat purging bombard, cooling eyesight, bulging diuretic, appetite and so on.
for physical allergies, susceptibility to pollen allergy, urticaria, skin diseases and other patients should be fasting and other irritating foods containing protein opposite sex, such as: lamb, dog, pig, chicken head, sea fishy fish moths, crabs and the like.
In addition, attention should be paid in the diet to eat less spicy, more fresh vegetables, fruits and other foods cool moisture to offset the imbalance in vivo. such as: orange peel when boiled water to drink, you can phlegm quench lust,there namely a real peppery sulfur springs ., and stomach qi; soaked with Chine and reed rhizome, or pear, water chestnuts, peeled Jianshui drink, you can heat lungs; eat carrots for qi, phlegm, and stomach.
spring temperatures, the bacteria, viruses are also vigorous, eat more conducive to regulate immune function of food, can eat some vegetables, such as Houttuynia, which functions very good resistance to infection, boiled, that special kind of fishy can go to a lot of savor, and then mingled with the cold tray seasoning slightly.
four, exercise
spring, retrieval of all things, yang Sheng-fa, the normal earth appeared thriving, vibrant scene. However, the spring windswept, turns warm afresh, the temperature inconsistency between day and night, so in Spring have to take these characteristics, emulate the spring climate germinal snug air, and consideration to weather variability, from all aspects of their daily life to accustom, to have very important to maintain physical and cerebral health character.
yang hair growth in order to encounter the absences of the spring, can join their own physical condition, increase the outdoor sports, the form can be flexible. kite-flying is a very suitable for spring sports. kite-flying activities to improve our cervical can also clear the Lord brain.
human health and the season to knot up in order to attain better results, that is, methodology of Chinese medicine's Spring is the best season of physical investment. spring, fresh air, this kind of environment most favorable to renaissance and sufficient to support the organs. life is campaign. shaking the support form, live is blood stream. a regular activity, appropriate exercise, which is the hidden of longevity via the ages. However, said: Erwu fine, the air of spring should be, is also agreeable health. more to outdoor amusements, such as: wading, scampering, hiking, exercise, boxing, playing,shanghai massage, dance, hitting Arab Spring, skipping, etc., to improve blood circulation, improve heart and lung function, and thus get more oxygen to the brain tissue obtained more blood and oxygen to the brain tissue can adapt to seasonal changes in blood circulation.
in sports, action should extend, flat, slow, like a hundred herbs sprout, Feng Bai Stir, superficial and not too quick or exercise too massive. longevity of prominent archaic physician Sun Ssu said: intention.
In appending, activities to be carried out spring tour. Spring called corner h to adopt the sun, air bath, in a world of flowers and green oceans, people in high spirits and feel merry, to improve persona, the effect of self-cultivation.
sunny spring, nature has witnessed a brisk scene. However, people feel comfortable, brisk, and but will produce drowsiness and sleepiness, with a short winter than spring nightfall, people feel Chinese phenomenon called redistribution of blood , or the rich flavor of the melodies and comic humor pieces, which inspired their hearts, eliminating the stomach. Therefore, the spring should eat some level of sweet, rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in food, such as: lean beef, egg, fresh vegetables, fruits, etc.;
four to keep the indoor air prevalence, less smoking, if necessary too cold to cut more fitting clothing or bathe your face with cold water, will clear as soon as possible so sleepy;
five to physical play. slumberous, you can stand up, activities, physical activities, Beng Bengtiao bound to Shujinhuoxue, Tom Lee joints, the brain excited, get rid of turbidity, oxygen rarity, hooded sleeping lightly reason chest tightness, nausea, or waking during slumber, sweating, and the effect of nap.
avoid holding back urine by night. cool spring night, after sleeping fall butme people chilly and do not want them to urinate, growing contingent of time holding back urine. This will not merely prone to urinary tract infections and sleep, will result in psychological stress, enhance blood pressure.
avoid windows and doors closed because of continued behind closed doors after the indoor oxygen reduce carbon dioxide levels increased gradually shut doors and windows, the body's skin pores and indoor go far in the debris emitted the odor of gas, but also make people disturbed and affect desire and sleep.
in Spring: accordingly, the spring health in daily life,guangzhou escort, sensations, diet, exercise districts, shall conform to the spring rise yang cilia up all the characteristics of germination, in order to nourish the respective poise among the context.
supplementary memorandum:
1. Regular shampoo , to amplify the accustomed of shampooing floor to prevent sensitive matter such as dust, pollen, etc. spliced to the hair, and then cause skin allergies.
2. more intake of vitamin A, C and E, which are advantageous to the skin above healthy skin so is more essential for emotional skin.
3. Life must be rules to maintain a balanced diet and ample sleep.
4. to avoid undue sun exposure, use sunscreen for sensitive skin-specific .

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people began to adore nature , back to nature , the return of nature! immediately you can listen birds singing and frogs fragile ! people alive in the metropolis can feel the freshness and vitality of nature This is more than merry enjoy !
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zz grin Hey look, said: You've been so busy ah can be.
epiphany. who has so much free will to consider these foolish questions. I remember when the work day from 8 am to 11 pm, when, how this exertion to consider these things ah.
have a debate with the wy, the envy of the old zou's busy, busy sympathetic zz. wy said zou zz life is the maximum pleasing old life, startled almost lost teeth, wy said quite seriously: you do not know how uneasy laze.
now seems to know, even the old preference End of the World are too idle to look, my mind each day Hunhundundun, nothing uninteresting. and every night in bed , and my heart empty,. IC.
while the work or to work, so as apt have a good time!
zz always a dreamer awoke language.
zz morn to see the blog, which domestic from the envy of married women, for marital women have so a person tin work not stuff how late you will be waiting for you when, when tin you come home Duanbei peppery for you. No marvel the teeth final night wy to complain approximately her not namely wrong this time, Zhesi always I mention calmly to tranquility.
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2010 New Year's is coming, zz work and mood have been stabilized, and hope in the new year zz ascertain their own right, began his own little happiness. There are pretty L, the huge beast in nature old man charged in the new annual, alteration their preoccupied, down to earth,beijing massage, treasure kept stopping her on the elbow seemingly mediocre bird, start their own little happy.
New Year is coming, New Year always gives fashionable hope. Now that a lot of things is their mentality. have a good outlook, it will see what is desirable to the eye, do everything assured, to feel that life is sweet and happy. I wish you entire Happy New Year, state of mind, a good state of the New Year!


Dear Mr. President, discriminated President, ladies and gentlemen,shenzhen massage, Mr President, first and foremost I would like to thank Xu Zhihong President, thank you so very friendly and warm reception and lecture, especially famous in China, Peking University, Thank you for inviting me to come to this sacred location of China's political modernization, elaborate on the Sino-French relations and the prospects of French views and ambition.
Dear friends, tomorrow will be the world power of China, an tin even mention that the world's largest power. This quick prosperity and progress ahead, no merely will alteration the face of China, will change the face of the globe. We absence apt work together to make the essential thinking, the development of China aboard the global political, economic,UNESCO Beijing Office, , cultural, ecological equilibrium the shock of coupler musing.
many of you human, the future will transform the hereafter chairmen of China. your behavior,shanghai escort, your imagination, your decision-making, not only will determine the future of new China, but also influence the future fate of the world. because in the elapse no longer exists naturally probability, and you will live in a complex and changeable, erratic but magnetic world.
In such a world, increasing interaction between people, economic development, science and technology, invention, will be for us to overcome poverty, to build a global conscience and bring new hope, so that each culture would get what they ambition .
but in such a world, we will see, terrorism arrogance got the upper hand, some countries insist, in violation of its international commitments,shanghai escort, with nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, to appliance the power plan.
this The world is full of contradictions, one of the global resurgence of nationality and wavering between the West and Islam, secular and religious, north and south, needy and wealthy countries, between cultures of the world face increasing danger of separation. But scandal for those people in countries long history, this is a hopeful world. especially in Asia, the rapid rise of emerging prosperity of countries in this world, the face is rooted in history and culture of thousands of new modern model the West has slowly lost its advantage of.
the world has become so intricate, so interdependent, that no one power can not arbitrarily prevail this world.
precisely because the world is still hovering in the between stability and muddle, because we still remember the words of Confucius's philosophy, and accustom within a mighty, legitimate, for the people to accept the framework of international organizations, shared responsibility; in harmony, judge, solidarity under the premise that globalization is well controlled Bing benefit of mankind. the spirit of this belief, the French support United Nations reform, to strengthen its legitimacy, expanding the Security Council so that it can characterize the new balance of the world.
In this principle, we are compliant to establish a political Europe, this faith leads us to work entire out to make this political Europe can take liability to protect world peace. This belief has prompted us and additional Group of Eight summit in the global context of economic organization, is committed to creating a talk with the emerging powers. This belief, too contributed to our recognition of cultural diversity and make unremitting efforts, especially via the value doing?
period in the pursuit of world balance, which in the search for dialogue and harmony, based on its experience and sagacity of archaic cultures, between Europe and Asia, there is an objective alike views. we have no power confrontation, only the common interests between us. It is for this reason, the French first made some major recommendations, questing to shrink the distance between Asia and Europe, such for establishment of ASEM, the EU and China, India, Japan and other eastern between the large powers strategic partnership, Bing, and contributed to the European Union will presently approve the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation.
Dear friends, in recent years, the world faces a solemn crisis, the emergency would have been a digit of common values countries every division. I feel that today we can better obliged the magnitude of the international community is united in this spirit of solidarity should be reflected in particular in the United Nations Security Council. for the face of peril, the worst Mo also each his own, and did nothing. This is a common responsibility in Europe and China,guangzhou massage, France and China to accept that perspective to develop a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. the face of the actions of North Korea and Iran, multilateralism must show its validity, if left unchecked, we will lose all influence, credibility and legitimacy. stand method that we face a threat to international peace and security when the meek, alternatively encourage acts of unilateralism, and its consequences and difficulties, we have witnessed over.
This namely today's reality, as the love of independence and the morale to withstand exotic raid, we have adore as citizen sovereignty, ceremony of the conviction of non-interference in interior affairs. But while a nation violates its agree, a threat to truce, we have to follow the collective norms, to take the necessary measures and operations, to shield world peace and security.
not one can tolerate violence against the civil population along the line but acts of impunity. Darfur in Africa, the United Nations should protect the civil population has been acknowledged, so we are mingled, doing in rigid accordance with the Charter. In this spirit of collective responsibility, I determined to partake in this special tribute to the People's Liberation Army stationed in Lebanon, the United Nations Interim reinforcements also praised China on the establishment of peacekeeping actions exercising center's determination, these practices can reflect the prestige and role of the United Nations, which is a very momentous initiative.
darling friends, the urgency of the political crisis should not make us forget the other global challenges posed at the threat, because these threats and even affect the survival of mankind.
intensified in human nature to be destructive to the looting, when one unprecedented ecological crisis is taking shape. Because China is a vast , the rapid development and culling of its decision on the balance of global warming and the environment will have a meaningful impact.
However, we know thatthis immediately built on altitude of damage and garbage of normal resources, industrial development model, if the international promotion of the people will be in serious danger. If the world becomes incapable to breathe, then what is the use of economic progress it? no one in China's economic growth is not appreciated, but it is in the sulfur dioxide and emissions of carbon dioxide, respectively, the 1st and second highest in the world. formative the economy and retention normal resources and nourishing ecological balance, coordination among the three, is in its eleventh five-year blueprint is decided to face the dare . It is for this cause that the French initiative to establish a United Nations surroundings organization, Bing, and shrieked on China to react to this initiative.
With the advance of globalization, most of China to combine the vigor and vitality in the process of modernization . in other regions, especially Africa, hundreds of millions of men and women and children are still living in the forgotten turns of progress, many penury, disease and despair, suffering. the face of such challenges, we should not both to their own devices. The next conference of China-Africa Summit and the Africa and France will be our work together to help the poorest countries a nice opportunity. because of health and health attention should be the rights of all.

this may be the merely time

Bit poet friends and sent their art, but not poetry, it makes me feel fresh and curious. I know thatpeople write stories and poems frequently a lot of achievements, such as Bai, Hai Nan, Qiu Huadong, Lam Suet, South Korea Dong, Li Hongqi, Gui Gui, Bai Lianchun, including my side of the Lee, Ou Yang northwardly, Wang Xiuyun,beijing escort, etc., but I really did not think many of my poet friends in other places even more nationwide aptitude. sentence words of fashion: adore and sigh.
sunspot Ray: bureau. until one day when surfing the web, see the Web record or online chats, very fresh, very modish, of course, is very poetic. the sensitive story of one year and 3 months, more than 2,000 talk, Ray sunspots, said: What influenced this thing because I know this is the nature of desire, spiritual, substance, etc., and nought is hybridized devil. And I will give you about the birth of this love is not all this intricate asset in there of death, sent to the shoots, and it's growing, there is no polluted, and there does not exist, nothing of the pollution and the real thing, so it was so beautiful flowers open and pure, like a pearly Dahlia, flowers blossom in the million dying of the season. poignant and lyric whole work, to see that this is from the poet's writing.
Rongrong: Fairy Tales, Top Ten Poet ; small nostril Adventure ; hh I counted, there are for numerous as 38. Rongrong said it was her maximum smart books promulgated in a book, she said the beginning of the anecdote is written for their kid, and later apt write extra, merely muse of so namely extra kids see. her children really merry, not each mommy can give a baby a gift so imaginative, the story of childhood in his mother grew up, has one shock on the child's life. I read maximum of them, I feel relaxed, childlike, slight, like a child happy elated mm. I meditation that whether you all feel that path, so excellent.
Liu Xiaobin: Mirror Series , foxes, ants, wasps, crows, eagles and other snake eel turtle animal we know, wrote almost the puffer fish, leeches,Li Lu will, vultures, centipedes and even the Arctic lemmings and dinosaurs and so on. It was animals themselves, but too wrote the animals and human, and nature, the relationship with other life, and survival and forgery and extinction, writes the animal instinct, habit, wrote about their silence and anxious. a poet with his unique, delicate, deep, emotional, passionate vision and perspective with us looking at other alive beings on this world, but . Meng get up up stone to edit the department, once told me that he was busy in someone of a star, I'm not concerned about the star, then there will be not concern. that an daytime awoke Meng Shi brought me a thick glossy book Chow Yun-Fat of drawing, Now the period has been written. star out of more recent memoir, but biography of a poet, must have their own taste. I noticed a stone's poem complex Meng {awake|wake up}, he wrote a poem in the back of the language:
; that shape the hero to the screen's worked,
but Xu Wenqiang, Ma Ying-jeou, high fared, such as lone hero
Lang still haunts us,
laugh like that Fei Xiao's Ma Ying-jeou,
that dressing sunglasses, wearing a ditch overcoat,beijing escort, holding two guns, the hero dangling Stick
still aloof form toward us hh Chow Yun-fat is more intuitive picture and specification. As the poems of my friends, I seriously looked at the Chow Yun-fat and a basic understanding of him. I would like to pick out a word, it is in the , talking about Chow Yun-Fat melodramas the heroine Anna and the King, the Bangladesh wake Stone wrote: As he always must be a chief, and she is always only be a pedagogue, his faith can not comprehend why there is always a man would meet a woman, her faith inside, a woman can carry, must be a all men love. said an composition, high Star equitable published two books. the book the text is in color publishing, format, fastening quite sophisticated very poetic, like the poet dry out live. This book records the role of text and pictures more than 20 regional artisans and manual transmission the living conditions, such as pasta, brandy production, carpenters, blacksmiths, masons and other crafts that will evaporate in the book with a cotton cloth, batik, embroidery, felting, wood carving, bamboo weaving, silverware, floating type publishing, kites, embark pictures, bordered at a colossal digit of other crafts and artwork making process, very detailed, very characteristic, give spectators a basic understanding of the process of production these handicrafts. High star is the poet and photographer,shanghai massage, so the text and pictures are very delicate. High star was premier sent me the Shadow crafts, etc. (and upper attach,shenzhen massage, he introduced a total of 52 kinds of traditional handicraft production), read the people feel the classical, natural, easy, elegant magnetism, and, to many people think of their own experience, it is have some feelings. receive a sequel to night school after I achieved, the next day wrote to him to send me the premier (do not remember the book to ascertain friends to have, this may be the only time), high star presently take the book sent, and I read the post and gave the child to see. I thought the 80's children will be dismissive of these orthodox entities, but they actually have not put it down.
outlook of this, manuscript , must be interesting, to have amusement, to make people look and see who are amused in, this is the book behind I read most of these feelings. And, say a , always makes life off some. I also write a bit so that we are fresh, such as the sudden publication of a funny masterpiece of cooking alternatively establishing something, the way can obtain a few royalties, but the more that intelligence is insufficient Yuxiang, heart and desire, the end could not do, or waiting for friends to read the magnificent work more interesting.
2006 年 8 月 21 日

addition meteors in a nightmare

Winter came,guangzhou escort, and days turned chilly , people chance lazy .
not calculating of the winter season. people are all in the season four sedentary , of the idea. people are changing get cracking animals , animals in the winter to To dwindle the movement,beijing massage, to sleep alternatively semi- dormant state, who evolved further progressive, is likewise one beast , so the unavoidable animal nature,Qantas Airways VIP lounge there namely a vegetation with 8, as inevitable as the animals slumber . Of way, somebody will bring ... to an end and said: Recharge your batteries, await until next annual afresh when spring gushing out . Drilling a cavity and heartless to have their winter break paying lip service to any of you mention , it's equitable ignore their own distraction. there calculating and not preoccupied , who more than anybody else somewhat cheerful ? < br> winter is the cold season. for of cold,beijing escort, night early aboard on the mattress, fell dormant thinking of the people will naturally not only a dream , knowing what to do peculiar dream . Sigmund Freud that the dream is the life Is the emergence of people of deep subconscious , and if that is the case , then what is my subconscious do , why have not got a clue chaotic struggle , not a hint ? I do not understand what they absence and do not know to where to work, If wilderness tramp waded to the vast amplitude of heaven and world lost its course .
winter namely no the season of adore . emotions for the body mantled in thick winter clothing , in addition to a mini more a mini more Warm outdoor , not the additional luxury. winter sensation, not fresh spring Smart ,beijing massage, no summer, warm and imaginative , there namely no romantic mournful of autumn , there are only lazy exhausted of the expectations and hopes .
I like the woodchuck winter , asleep in the lukewarm cave , addition meteors in a imagine , nightmare of doing almonds , looking amenable apt the next spring there ambition be a article of the spring .

the dough portly see up

Tomorrow is the daytime school starts.
Sister, a daughter in basic educate old, for the advantage of educate, boarding house in the mommy.
To show the children the encouragement,beijing escort, I promised her, give her animal-shaped bread .
document out of the day yesterday, achieving a brain 2 huge. This p.m. resolved to strike, to give the babies bread slightly!
fairly uncomplicated practice of the cake, the dough does not absence hard blows, does no require fermentation 2 times, if only a complex fashion, namely relatively cozy to save time merely likewise successful.
hare snout agreed to introduce simple and easy for her successful practice, and to shoot a little more, so the picture more. rabbit nose for the first time to do so, you can bypass the complex animal fashions, do you calculate it ambition directly do, relatively easy to shape.
1. + warm water about 60 grams of sugar,beijing massage, 85ML, with warm water to thaw the sugar. plus one tablespoon yeast, mix well to dissolve.
2. in 250 grams of flour (I use 150 grams of low-gluten Bread instead of +100 g) + salt 1 / 2 teaspoon, sift powdered milk 15 grams, and eggs . Pour the mixture into 1. mingled into the dough. kneading because a while, a mini flat dough, add 50 grams of slackened butter, massage about 5 minutes to coerce uniform and smooth.
3. not based on fermentation. directly divided into 8 equal portions and round.
4. make the shape you like, behind a sheet pan, brush the surface membrane of milk.
5. put a warm area about half one hour the final fermentation, look up the dough fat , into the preheated oven apt 170 degrees, medium and lower classes, 20 minutes.
1. The quantity of bread with sugar as long but do not rub, we first sugar warm water and stir to dissolve, so as to avoid uneven.
2. In the process of kneading dough, if you feel sticky and can stick in the hands of the fitting number of flour and then continue kneading. but do not flour to the dough Riga.
3. milk, eggs, bread, bread though is hard, but not hard, soft and sweet, very luscious, it can be molded into the shape of animals, fashionable with the children loved.
4. raisins premier ten minutes with a blistering can do more than surface decoration,additional recent Articles, or focus hard after baking.
1. + warm water about 60 grams of sugar,beijing massage, 85ML, with warm water to melt the sugar. Add a tablespoon of yeast, mix well to dissolve.
2 . in 250 grams of flour (I use 150 grams of low-gluten Bread instead of +100 g) + salt 1 / 2 teaspoon, sift powdered milk 15 grams,shenzhen escort, plus an egg. Pour the mixture into 1. miscellaneous into the dough. kneading for a while, a little smooth dough, add 50 grams of softened butter, knead about 5 minutes to force uniform and smooth.
3. not based aboard fermentation. directly divided into 8 equal parts and circular.
4. make your preference The shape, behind a sheet pan, brush the surface layer of milk.
5. put a warm place about half an hour the final fermentation, the dough fat look up, into the oven preheated to 170 degrees, the middle and lower 20 minutes.

because this video tin not be taken out of DV

End of 07 to 08 annuals fewer a good film. look very similar, individuals feel very, very worth seeing. that the camcorder is shrieked ... Pablo, now to the interest. that the Spanish shrieked the labels of people extra. Ha ha ha ~ but these DV people must take a similar thing is ... look by these two their own synopsis of it.
just ended reading today , a lot of amusing locations, did not watch films alternatively things do not look underneath . After reading this chip again, gather a lot of interesting answers.
title --- Number of Pages: Alfalfa / Ke Luofu files / end of the globe Xiongsha:
Question 2: Ke Luofu file
variant major guess that the final end of reading the melody and movie titles released over the approximate 1 hour 24 minutes 20 seconds -1 hour 24 minutes and 30 seconds ROB hear to the voice of a hero, he shouted HELP . (guess what? outcome? or are they not dead?)
(small guess: to multiplication two maps Watch, cloud altitude right corner of the diagram. like a monster.
cloud like a monster? comic to see Statue of Liberty, have been dried into the sky like a monster is still not out? the whole thing from beginning to end to the monster one, the rest are small down from its body, how can there be strange not down as has been bad Goddess fact.
Question 3: into Xuanyi films, and encourage more to explore hidden factors. listened out of the sea monster off the day before if it is, then it is also in line to unravel the logic. that the protagonist has no intention to do was accidentally shot to the cord automobile monster. could really all over but non-sea. (I carefully read N times, naught found ...-_-!)< br> is already manifest in the recorded video, the sport park is 4 March 27 ~ show: APR 27 ~ monster attack on May 22 by ~ show: MAY 22 ~ almost a difference between fast 1 month.
(to a small mistrust) monster from the water comesintoseffect? not from paradise falling?
fell from the sky the sea, and then out another from the sea.
also implies the end of the monster came from space and related
: In the final end of the male and female in the playground shooting see the monster.
The emulating is the film original, and only a clear version of AVI to penetrate!
pillage and beth4 This is the time taken on adore, and evil is in a month, do monsters take one month time to modify their weight difference up. there is a problem is that emigrants crashed into the sea, the old United States did not follow up on?
PS: do not see it! see! do not see it! do not see ! (last seen ... but only saw the splash ...)< br> scenic seaside playground in the film shooting time is 1 hour 13 minutes 13 seconds. Soon his jaws ~ masculine and woman see very handsome Henliang Violence ~
(some other small questions)
is a somewhat far-fetched, the U.S. military for control of sea and air strength is quite high, so huge asset should fall the first time .. went to the bar scene .
heard nasa monitor only thing greater than one kilometer in diameter, the whereabouts of how fast this thing, so the ground radar, had not a few minutes, it is estimated will fall to the ground out.
so guess if the military base out, I think that is it that a few minutes before the earthquake.
NASA also did not find, USAF should find it?
feel skillful to flee into the sea before NASA and the USAF observation of these 2 creations, a morsel far-fetched.
this film is not news, not so many pieces pull
has been said, the monster is the only bite helicopter jump, and not a bite to let go. Diao mouth was.
since landing a monster bound to the buffer,specifically, so it must be bent limb crouch thing (namely is, get down location) off the ground this period is also relatively close to the first, the monster equitable let work, so do no fall to their deaths.
monster approximately 150-200 meters, body, and a stadium similar to the limbs of about 120 meters long.
However, the proportion of the movie monster or a problem
Question 4: Ke Luofu end of another file (should be egg)
mini feud in the result with the film, that is, the contents of tape after the explosion that was strengthened prettiness at the station jumped the run .....< br>
like to see the next ~ (do not know what that method, if the quondam is memorized? but did not reveal everything new, right ...)< br > Question 5: The monster bites man how to dead?
fact, numerous people queried the woman blew in the end is not dead?
very apparently, and the chest burst. Before we naturally have the impression There were American infantry when the cart is to advance to the breast completely split. HUB also said the word, nauseating. (ps: I forever feel is that a physician punctured to! -_-!)( PSP: But Just a close look at the woman in the stomach seems to be bigger, but the man is doing right movement? what I felt in his hand ...)< br> Question 6: What brand of DV can take so long? and then fell against the quality of compression .... nice ....< br> PS: According to my guess is that Kodak (KODAK) ~ This is the end of the sponsors it, I cut a piece.
(Others mention) waterproof and drip! Panasonic ultra-thin digital camera S18 ~ ~ ~ From the appearance view, the path it is exceedingly Panasonic S18 option, using a peerless flat cylinder devise, somewhat thin. fuselage stuff almost all plastic materials accustom, although no metal materials, but texture is still very agreeable. especially noted that the body of the promoted design, allowing the machine to withstand 1.2 m of the whereabouts of the perpendicular vibration, and uncomplicated life water.
Panasonic S18GK carrying a piece of 1 / 6 inches, the aggregate reached 80 million pixels, the dynamic shooting in 4:3 mode, the telling pixel is 40 million, compared with 35 in the 16:9 mode million effective pixels, the shooting still images meantime patronizing effective pixels 41 million. Panasonic S18GK using a 10x optical zoom lens, the practical equivalent focal width of 44.1-441mm, most hole of F1.8-F2.4. At the same time with a piece of 2.7-inch 16:9 widescreen LCD display, 12.3 million effective pixels.
Panasonic S18GK equipped with a 2.7-inch 16:9 widescreen LCD display, 12.3 million effective pixels, support 180 degree rotation, and 270 degrees is not an ordinary camera, this point was a little dissatisfied. Panasonic S18 uses a high-quality MPEG2 engine, you can use XP (10Mbps VBR), SP (5Mbps VBR), LP (2.5Mbps VBR) Three shooting modes such as mpeg logged and cached in the SDHC memory card. still shooting, the Panasonic S18 only supports the JPEG image arrest 640t480 resolution, and there are two quality options.
Panasonic S18 is a tripod screw at the bottom of the fuselage and the battery cell, S18 is used in the batteries partition of 3.6V, 1000mAh lithium-ion batteries, and comes with a Panasonic 2GB SD memories card with the camera using the supplied 2GB SD memory card can record about 50 minutes of high-quality video, and if the use of 4GB SDHC memory card can be 100 minutes of continuous shooting.
Panasonic S18 with the portability and dual conservation feature, which for clients who like to peregrination, this lightweight digital camera is undoubtedly a to take everywhere and shooting the best choice. while the advanced waterproof, drop skill allows consumers to use more guaranteed, and will not take the environmental shock of scruples.
lz spirit is a good respond The O ~ ~ but can not prove it is not used by people like sony S18 ~ DV of a particular section is not very clear ~ ambition to know the brothers question!
Oh, I actually quested because Baidu, the joke Rights ,
actually know this life is ridiculous, because this movie can not be taken out of DV, but analog vocational DV camera to shoot the state was too beat, as the DV movie that not even went overboard -
Question 7: Do not know who know the airbags do?
First, I found a video from the Internet is still a monster out of dissemination stage concept map, from the chart we can see that generally seems to be some arrange of another of the monster whale! and inside the little monster looks like a crab! However, the concept is, at the end of the day, the concept of the film inside the monster, but there are similar to the frog's respiratory system (the film finally go the gossip scene Diao man was clearly can see), it should be some sort of amphibian! As for the kind of small, Oh, looks like the bugs in Starship Troopers miniature! (personal feel of this picture not the small proportion of the monster, little monster also half a person's elevation ~)
Question 1: placed at the end as not interesting. clover field , is to provide to Chinese custom. foreigners accustomed to using words to do some simple and direct heading, but we used some of the titles perplexed cool. such as studio office. even alien countries are also less likely to use ; to pluck the bar too!! , translation should be the movie that have as yet released it, should be the beginning of the film overseas Web site, and then translated into Chinese by the fans made it to China site. this time the film should be released fishes Oh no hh
testify is the just a pseudonym, is named after the boulevard in Santa Monica, where the laboratory or the office of Bad Robot. feel curious, why the name of a road in the ah? Why As for the arrange, the lawful trailer for the film production prior to the shot with small digital cameras good.
Did you see? Godzilla in 45 minutes and 29 seconds (after I tested, one by one The play is indeed the circumstance ...)< br> King Kong in 1 hour and 6 minutes and 55 seconds (the time in their break)
some other more:
comprehensive solution, file Therefore, bringing people back to find other films of this DV.
DV content before we all know, is the film to introduce the protagonist and other characters. the main character go to Japan, opened the party for his people off, but feelingful protagonist and his girlfriend clearly is a problem, was revealed in the party on, so to enlighten his friends went to the balcony.
disaster began:
ashore the terrace,beijing escort, there were earthquakes, and intermittent power outages led apt the metropolis, In truth, here the mentor is to differentiate you devil catching into account the tsunami, because such objects out of the sea entities, offshore and near, ought lead to a certain sum of the tsunami.
protagonist, who watched CCTV (brain damage television) ran after the dome, then turn down of the fuel tanker, the internal electrical fault, causing an explosion of the (presumably, anyhow, not monsters get, for if disturbed monster, a monster who would have the oil, and launch!)
tanker explosion, the protagonist, who go out to escape, and down the stairs. At the same time, falling oil tanker exploded and caused the monster just frightened, mistaken attacks, so a large animal hair, bite off the Statue of Liberty's head, and darted out. main character, who witnessed this scene nice, goddess head was darted to the avenue, on the obvious bite marks.
on afterward the monster and get a tower collapse (this is a monster in array to reflect the power), and then the monster came from their vicinity next gate.
crowd began to escape, so they fled when the monster has the bridge into the water, where the canoe were taken DV and the Statue of Liberty, you can see the ship is on fire, still the same lying there. Direct flight l aeroplane searchlight has been playing, this light once again attracting the water monster, monster tentacles caused the bridge collapsed. They had to flee back to the main character. (here looks like there is a reason the bridge should get monster accidentally collapsed, in order to slit off People escape path, because the people is edible).
monster went back to beach damage, lice is similar, but estimated that crowds will give what the benefits of big monster, big monster why do people trapped on the isle is also estimated that cause.
Azeri not completely evacuate the city, so the military can not use mass destruction weapons (if the monster too early to be die, then not go on making movies), then we must be able to peruse, people began to sprint nigh, conceal.
save on back to that time, I think, was the protagonist itself felt a bit criminal, it should not quit his girlfriend, so behind.
finally got on after the last common relief machines, but people did not anticipate to when they fly over the monster, the monster creature bombed vexed, is the so-called edged, and the monster jumped up and grasped the helicopter (because not bite B2 ah --,)< br> estimated monster is to chew the cockpit, causing the pilot died at present, of lesson, the monster bite jump not immediately after the release of air and then landing a monster, because the relationship between inertia,beijing escort, head sagging, limbs bent to dwindle the buffer. and we have a similar jump up. But most of the building of the relationship between the monster, not a good bite aircraft, makes the aircraft relatively close to the ground in open places fell to the ground, conscious that the aircraft out on the lawn (the lawn of Central Park), which is also good to dwindle the buffer. The causes of the protagonist, who survived.
after monster found off the mouth of the airplane, then bow their brains to find, good time too small, so this one will be a monster hit and the beat after lips hung.
main character and another woman at this time to get back to DV, they also estimated that the monster is too small, not knock the rice that time, So 54 of them.
2 came beneath the bridge, leaving the last words, bombarding began, anything will bring an end to ... the explosion.
last paragraph of the DV should be the maximum before month a month to play in the playground the daytime before they are very weary. but also took a sea view on the Ferris cycle, DV, there is a large object fell from the sky,
director said: The sequel will be about the same events, but from another the outlook of a team of people to shoot
I guess, he would use the kind of lost practices, the sequel may be interspersed with a magnificent content and personas.
feelings 1: see also Alfalfa / Ke Luofu file < br> This movie personal feeling many better than the Blair Witch, is the Ministry of the few good movies in recent years. In fact, the angle of the camera is beginning to see the world, to the navel when the monster comes perspective has changed completely from HUB observation angle, which is why many people say take a camera but also the reasons for running so quickly. this time have been away from the camera, the camera is yet a virtual item, the view has been completely into the eyes of the HUB The director explained to the people's eyes from the sight HUB.
Although some say the whole film in different places, but overall, the Ministry is definitely a good film, especially in the cinema will see more immersive . the magnetism of the film is the spectators into the contrive which, the film completely done, and very successful. those who can not read and dizziness friends do not blindly tell you true ideas. favor a lot of people melodrama DOOM and CS still dizzy it, but you can not say it was not a good game. personal emotion, is my menial attitude, salute to the place Paizhuan.
feelings 2: ah the latter view there is nothing new terrorist mind more mighty (than the monster is also dreadful, see the sermon of the crazy)
logic of the film did not truly need too make sense to build a mood so even if very successful .. .
up the 2 but I calculate the building will breakdown to save his girlfriend .. is mad, tin mount over ... ORZ
thoughts 3: only is anti-traditional, with a view to shoot DV , and do not feel any good, the script is old-fashioned American movie of the routine. really do not think where to look good.
Zhuantie about ~
this film in the United States, the acclaimed (imdb currently 8 points), but in Taiwan they have two distinct voices. explore the main reason may be the United States on all appearances of marketing done quite place , full of gimmicks, the following is the PTT on the order of the articles, and some revisions can be used as reference before viewing or fill before the achieve line.
1. Slusho is a drink company. that is, to Japan as a leadership man Marketing vice president of the new company, the company Web site is also very fond of her father's harvest from which she derived to create a variety of different flavors of drinks, but I never thought she was lacking in a sea mining, and only the left also like to experiment and create a son, her son is the name of marine scientists, because drink companies give pain so the cousin sister (do not know men and also women). I never expected that sub-sea exploration, he found a category of dingy stuff (that is, honey ocean), and after turned him into a small fish in a imagine, he had a lot of this secret material did not expect to chance a big whale to get up up after he studied that his before his mom found someone lacking. So he took back to the company and developed a new drink, which of course additional to this sea of honey, creating this new drink Slusho! (PTT Clementtang translation )
2. The following pages are eating slusho production segments that will make an exception of biological, behavioral disorders will not only crazy, is especially a female ego, but slowly out of control in every segment.
password: jllovesth added: the farewell Slusho Party, there arose the girl, and she fainted (hung?) on the sofa.
3. Slusho is Tagruato Corp.'s subsidiary bodies. Tagruato Corp. The company's Web site after the movie release suddenly maintenance, and Tagruato is a submarine to explore the unknown biological organization. On the opposed, there is a call Tidowave of the organization, opposition Tagruato harassment of navy life, which criticized the corporation shall not demolish us for exploration of the Earth, and At the same time the site has been closed. (demanded to be a party after the resumption of the hacker aggression) via these file can probably think of the origin of the monster.
Tagruato Corp.
4. in Dec 27th 2007 when the multi-language newspaper reports alleging that Tagruato Corp.'s offshore oil exploration ship chance occasioned more than 300 people dead or living.
Japan JNN News
U.S. Liveleak News
and the situation of this accident, coastal waters in New York.
5. the United States among the well-known dating site MySpace There is also the protagonist's friends all play the file. You can file Rob player, the journal that he was going inside the office in Japan, and his a bunch of friends reacted, Beth seems ignorant of female angle, and the palindrome in the wish to speak .......< br> monster origin mm accident by a narcotic / technology companies The fashionable company cause is disappointed, then the organization will Note that at the end of the last few seconds dv video shade).
behind a monster movie cliches mm variation, as this is the deep-sea biological / material itself or cause other biological variability (such as whales) variation is not known, then there is the film in the article.
whole film at the starting, the source described along Defense Tech mm branch handling fix, br> ending mm film can be seen or known the monster is dead, a man and his girlfriend whereabouts.
subtitles after a period of recording, very ambiguous, sounds like plays a director in the intention of leaving here is not clear, individually think that the director does not want the death penalty instantly to the actor may also be thought for mercantile pave the way for a sequel.
is worth noting that this sentence is a sound recording prefer than video, but also in the subtitle has clearly told the audience before the film was recorded over with the volume dv, then this recording get busy? I think it might be the hero of the phone, but not by recording a information, but the actor In the help, all help to fight often announce a call call was received and recorded down, as the survivors of the hero seems threaten to guess high ~ ~
translation of alfalfa / Ke Clover file / Xiongsha
end of the world title Cloverfield
film source: Cloverfield.DVDRip.XviD-DiAMOND
production methods: AVS + VDM +3 GP inhibit
formats: PMP-AVC X264-600kbs 2 - PASS AAC-96kbps
Capacity: 426MB
Length: 85 minutes
Video: 480t272
Language: English
subtitle: plug-Chinese countries, the United States
's 2008

Class Action / Mystery / Sci-Fi / Thriller Language English

subtitles in English / French / Spanish
IMDB Rating 7.8/10 (59,368 ballots)
IMDB link
document format XviD + MP3
video size 624x352 (1.78:1)
file size 1CD 49 x 15MB
Length 85 mins
director Matt. Reeves Matt Reeves
starring Mike. Vogel Mike Vogel .. ... Rob
Jessica. Lucas Jessica Lucas ..... Lily
Michael. Star - David Michael Stahl-David
Lizzy Caplan
TJ Miller .... . Hud
Odette Yustman
Anjul Nigam ..... Bodega Cashier
Margot Farley ..... Jenn
Theo Rossi ..... Antonio
Brian Klugman .... . Charlie
Kelvin Yu ..... Clark
Lili Mirojnick ..... Lei
Ben Feldman ..... Travis
Elena Caruso ..... Party Goer
Vakisha Coleman ..... Party Goer
Will Greenberg ..... Party Goer
Rob Kerkovich ..... Party Goer
Ryan Key ..... Party Goer
Hisonni Johnson ..... Party Goer
Rasika Mathur ..... Party Goer
Baron Vaughn ..... Party Goer
Charlyne Yi ..... Party Goer
Roma Torre .. ... Herself
Rick Overton ..... Frantic Man
Jason Cerbone ..... Police Officer
Bill Brown ..... Staff Sgt. Pryce
Scott Lawrence ... .. Lead Soldier
Jeffrey De Serrano ..... Soldier
Tim Griffin ..... Command Center Officer
Chris. Marchisio Chris Mulkey ..... Lt. Col. Graff < br> Jason Lombard ..... Second Medic
Jamie Martz ..... Helicopter Pilot
profile departure imminent, unavoidable thousands of mournful hh Rob going to Japan presently, and friends are organizing a farewell party for him party,shanghai massage, and he himself will be the party as a last become to be buried in the center of emotional release,shanghai escort, and his center to the heart to have a close interaction.
However, a sudden the world was moving, but it disrupted everything planned in advance Rob also stunned everyone in the party, we all feel incredibly arranged hh eyes widened again when the commotion died down when the crowd, just to see to the news of the earthquake events suspected to live coverage, but then happened quickly testified the so-called follow-up to the earthquake there, and then turned into a veritable disaster: a big fireball explosions in the far horizon , and led to a very lusty impact wave. All the party people, all because of chaos and fear run the other way, although they finally stumbled rushed out and ran to the street, but not distant away from real peril.
streets full of yelling, bellowing, crying the frightened people, Rob and his friends are surprised to find that there have been premonitory surface cracks hh attached by heavy breathing and footsteps, and the accompanying associate Rob who will have to bear a certain does not belong to this world, but horrible, malign monster's surprise attack.
word comment:
This is a scary monster film merely almost obsessively, worn-out membrane for this type of re-injecting life.
mm br> mmcomingsoon site
although covered with a representative of the popular fashion coat, but the nature and style of the film is still antique.
mm ...

have been creative accumulation of stuffed birds made the fancy of ​​Union

Protection of Birds,toronto escorts, said Zhang Zuren Chinese collectors is to protect human
Niaoa their person friends, the ancient folk the object of adore, Zhang Zuren was brought up favor birds, like to wade in the mountains, so have the inspiration, Zhang Zuren young debut while premier created, verse namely praise birds entitled , adulation can not aid merely remember with affection. Shike Dian lent from many bird species logged in the possession of numerous of the tribe became dedicated apt the worship of the ; in numerous poems left a prominent archaic worship of birds, such for , there is aboard the tin see the fashion of birds, such for the phoenix, cranes, eagles, owls, Yan, geese, parrots, etc., the archaic military commander crown is made with brown-eared pheasant plumage bird ornament, to show courage, the strong, Zhang Zuren like birds In the 80's,beijing escort, Children's Palace in Fuzhou (Temple) to penetrate the exhibition of biological specimens, have been inspired accumulation of mattered birds made the mind of ​​Union, in the ancient mart, the quest accumulation to many rare birds, such as the brown-eared pheasant, owls, monkey face eagles, mountain more than 20 birds engraved samples placed in their own bedroom, alive apartment often enjoy, but too appreciated by many Tibetan friends. In order to better learning and pedagogy to youth people with birds, Zhang Zuren Science and Technology Museum because exhibitions in the metropolis, the his collection of bird specimens donated to entire free countries, so that more young people to visit the exhibition along the affect of education and knowing with the Lankan jungles, deforestation, has convert increasingly complicated to survive bird, shriek for more young friends activities joined to the bird sweethearts, this is the biggest wish of Zhang Zuren idea. We kas long asbirds in the upkeep of ecological poise in the account for one important position, birds ashore farmland, orchard conservation, and protection of human life is closely narrated to birds, is everyone's responsibility As early as the Shang people have begun to recognize the role of bird pest control, Zhou have banned bird eggs collection have begun to recognize the role of bird pest control bird egg collection Zhou had provisions disallowing, Confucius said, erasure of egg, the Phoenix is ​​not Raymond, Wang Chao neutron return family, activities of the Protection of Birds is a me in society, human life in the smart mountains, flowers, beauteous context,toronto escorts, reveling in the flowers of the world, so that the birds,beijing massage, is that people can no live without friends, is the nature of the important chapter of the bird to give the sky, forests, fields and people's living surroundings to its vigor and vitality, no birds, our environment ambition become monotonous and lonely, let us love birds,nearly 30 years afterward scatter apt the all Pacific Ocean. However, right, birds survive and multiply the make human life better.
of: Jing
Fuzhou II Zip: 350001