Wednesday, April 27, 2011


First, the learning objectives:
1, master insert WordArt, pictures, text boxes, and tin sum up a definite decree.
2,toronto escort, through the .
Second, teaching massive, and difficult:
Key: Insert a picture from a file, how to prefer the route.
difficulties: the rational delivery layout
demonstration method of education methods, the operation practice of law,massive rabbit, independent knowledge, teachers guide
4 pre-class preparation:
courseware, sample
five works,beijing massage, the teaching process:
Teacher: Let me in level ahead the subject of a common-sense test test all 38th World Earth Day, Earth is our home life, she is now everywhere trauma, today we all ambition to love life, love human the Earth launched the Green start, concerned approximately the environment, to understand environmental conservation, more beautiful environment we live in love, to defend our general mom.
to play good publicity, today we use computer software to build a Microsoft Word application of existing images distinct text of the Teacher tips: What? then pointing to the title says, and . hope to learn this course the students were able to make the work better than the teacher, and then selected the best works of our medal.
courseware show: to produce today's learning goals.
shade broadcasting: We first start the word
petition software, press the A: Select the art of their favorite font styles, click free apt migrate, free extend. (prompt guide students to browse teachers visit and do individual counseling.
Teacher: Well, maximum students have completed the title of the input, we began to learn the following into the picture. here's no deficit of students in the master computer and which the students yet mastered into the image way to give us show you. (encouraging students to teachers, operating demonstration, teaching students to play a student, teacher-led role.)
students (a computer br> Teacher: Click Click the the pictures? still find the .)
(the students the operation, OKAY? We attempt him our thanks the wonderful operation! hope namely our classmates can convert a computer adept) the retinue students to start their own operation, to insert by fewest 2 pictures.
students: hands-on exercises began, the teacher visits, doing individual counseling, to encourage awarded students to help students with learning difficulties, studying difficulties should be consulted warmhearted.
(spirit of unity and cooperation to play a group)
Teacher: (Teacher Feedback , and import into the text box.) equitable have a lot of students queried the teacher why the picture namely not inserted into the same role as the art of accidental mobile situation? This namely today the third answer to be solved There will students do? (If yeah, action and demonstration of students, or teachers to explain demo) Click We 1st select the
we look, we have to suitably adjust the size of pictures and text boxes to make it two sizes hence. (another consolidate the picture of the insert) can now picture is not any location to move it? text box is not merely You can insert pictures, and its cardinal function is to input text. Next, we practice in adding to insert pictures, text box, adjust the proper location, merely also into the text box to enter your own advocate words, can organize people to protect the environment, love our home.
student to operate, insert text boxes and insert their favorite pictures, erase the elemental picture, and insert txt carton to enter their own advocacy lecture.
teachers visit and do individual counseling.
Teachers recommend students adapt the position of pictures and text boxes to make our layout a harmonious look agreeable, can play a publicity efficacy.
every team selected the best works in this group of teachers go to ascertain a creator of the best creators of works and common exhibit their work, the teacher machine demonstration, and explain their making means. (play review and consolidate the role of students along following their go out what additional failings, ought be how to adjust the .)
VI Summary:
learning by the students of today have what did you learn?

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