Wednesday, April 27, 2011

it namely no the grievances of the sky

Citizens of the Earth
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Best Content Award, 2005 Art Film Festival, player award for best documentary.
film took 5 years to produce, in 2003, unlocked in the United States. The film systematically and comprehensively revealed how today's large-scale human to murder and cruelty to animals, including cattle (including meat, fish, egg and dairy products, etc.), clothes (including leather and fur, etc.), animal entertainment (including the rodeo, sports, menageries, etc.), associate animals, studio animals and so on. film audiences see, our planet has chance a mammoth slaughter, mankind has fallen into how cruel and foolish of the location without even realizing it. for the animals, the earth as hell.
Howard (Bryce Dallas Howard) said: After the flu:
read , the picture quality is naturally some inconsistency. But I watched, I heavy, my tears to my eyes even more blurred. quality, when not explicit, but ample to bring huge visual clash and spiritual anguish.
Children were sacked, LG with me watching, he has always been a human would not be elated without meat. but this time, he looked very serious, his face is also very heavy, I think: he will be able to cut off the meat was.
my eyes closed, but inside is very calm. We humans do not progress in the industrial civilization, prefer, we are behind, and not hesitate to rush in I choose to call it greed), is not that all the evil from the end of the disaster you?
We do not partake instantly in the killing, but who can say he did not indirectly contained in the slaughter? is not only destroyed the same kin can be called wretched without Renhuan? We are not all high-sounding to quest peace? the survival of other species and populations of all signification does it average that only to satisfy human entertainment, food, dress, medical research, military, and all peremptory trampling and killing? hh moment we can not do without animals, but we are really Innocent, adorable and helpless life in blood, struggling, in the biting, moaning and exclaiming in the hh
When will the retribution? animals will not harm humans, but mankind will dare any group. endless The world ah! natural, animal and human, who is in charge? Who is demolished? killing and revenge that we can only be our own.
I do not want to think about, until one day, the human senses, and we distressed But we have to own the hell into a hopeless abyss. humans think he is advisable, but we have no way to clean drinking toxic water, breathe clean ventilation in sufficient oxygen, the source of more than eating pure and sweet food. And all of this, only thing is since the 19th century. too quick, too quick Yeah! humans are not grinning run-up to his own death, what is?!
If you think you should live with dignity , there are some human spirit, then you must be a vegetarian!
not eat Western edible, and McDonald's taste and fashion, phantasmal, wash, elegant environment to hide the murderous, bloody and yelling. Chinese people eat only chopsticks, no knife and fork.
I'm not eating meat and anyone dairy productions.
I do not wear fur, do not purchase things made leather.
I do not have pets, do not see the circus, I do not go to the zoo.
I want to stay away from Western medication and Western medicine from this, I will take our wide learn of Chinese medicine.
counting to buy annual needs, I will not go to water and taint, but there is an unprecedented body of compounds supermarkets and exhibition stand.
I will not listen to the warranty industry, calumny, and what will inevitably encounter more serious catastrophe, ascertain a safe.
my heart since the security, how can the scourge?
I felt I was reborn.
Here are some of the exotic audience comments on this video (found in the West although the color and culture of our differ, but Rentongcixin, Xintongcili, true not disloyal):
Watch a sense of one of the (translated in English)
Last night, my wife coaxed to show me the very good warm humans back the scenes, such for canteens, leather, pet, therapeutic research, beast activity, and so anything is purely fictional hell not ah!
I still do not know where to go himself, but I definitely feel I have to do something, I have been awakened. not just for my wife and children and family, it is important, as a man, I had to do something for this child on the planet other sentient beings!
I never thought that a movie actually be so mighty, is so deeply touch my interior feelings, and it always changed my life!
see a sense of bis (translated from English)
deep feelings that you invest the Department of the movie. I always feel like a very good and there is no racial prejudice and the species of discrimination. Now I want to re-examine my own life and done of sorts things. Watch a sense of the three (translated from English)
I was awakened this film! Now, I make very clear what I chose.
Thank you for this wake-up call!
watch flu IV (translated from English)
I think this film should be shown the whole people, (so) can not be lack of education as their plea for inhumane behavior. We human cruelty in the end is where you begin? And who educated us that other life is inferior, there is no soul and no feeling?
only to find the basis causes of these problems, we can find a way to remedy this situation.
film once repeatedly proves that visual impact is far a grain of truth the written word can be likened.
to let more people see the film and let it all aware of the truth of humanity.
see a sense of V (translated from English)
was posted to another network page the news of this movie? I have not reproduced, I think everyone should do something.
sense of watching six (translated in English)
In truth, I saw less than half. I inhibiting did not cry out, because I do not want my children aware of.
from now on I will not eat or nectar from any animal to a little something. Thank you for production me open my eyes to see those who understand very well Cruel!
sense of watching seven (translated from English)
my friend, do not fret, I know your rage, frustration and misery.
I have seen the movie, the lower my brain For I am a member of the human race deeply ashamed.
sense of watching eight (translated from English)
video I have merged feelings: ache, impair, woe, disgust or even harmed ... consciousness all the feelings inside, even I do not fully understand now.
I write this post, my eyes still full of tears.
Thank you for letting me know the facts and the truth, I and let more people know!
see a sense of 9 (translated in English)
I spent an hour a 15 min of an hour before 12-year-old son I see the film, while he kept looking I really hate to mention, let him see the show.
He then debated that he will not hack the pharynx of animals and slaughter plants will not grow up to go.
Finally, he said I will not eat meat is ashamed of the cruelty of mankind, I am exceedingly malign, my heart can not calm!
Here are some of the servant audience comments on this video
earth belongs to all creatures, but the pillaging of the human it is a decision!
assist for mutual advocacy, both from their own start: put down the meat is the greatest compassion, the environment, society and the greatest contribution to future generations. can not change people , can not let social advocacy, and that our practice of vegetarianism is a very telling way of salvation.
I recently studied this on the internet 3 annuals antecedent the documentary, whereas a bit late, merely look by h found whether we really want change at the end of the day nobody of this is thought also late to h more than 3 years ago a documentary about the group and we human beings living in this beauteous animal on globe, how to be a very inhumane course to remedy to meet the basic needs of human beings or entertainment at your absence for a large amount.
after reading,
mind would ask:
human existence,
they working to be in the building h
or destroy it??
in the beautiful sugar-coated the bottom, we know how much truth there?
we are willing to accept and face it?
we and other animals, nature and even the h h Earth very near relationship we want to see it all be destroyed in the great cycle of human civilization below you?
It is time to change.
first I capable from the treatise Buddhist Mountain the self-respect and precious life, this movie made me feel more intuitive it. thank a large Buddhist Mountain, thanks to this movie ......< br> (VI)
~ p.m. on the and Politics the status of Earth's resources now, followed closely on the presentation of the film ~ watching the really sorrowful. see when slaughtering animals, which both eyes, and a waterfront pond of blood, half-way I do not want to dream what will occur a few times we really so cruel? merely ......< br> (seven)
people do is the potentate of beasts, and his cruelty is better than all the animals. We live by the necrosis of other creatures,toronto escorts, We are all grave. I was very juvenile to swear not to eat their meat. one day, people will rely on the killing as assassinate.
mm da Vinci
why the globe The killing is so massive? Who knows, countless animals being massacred, it is not the grievances of the sky? they have not made a personal corner reincarnation, it is the mission of retaliate because a world? Why are build up animal and plant extinction and the development of an increasing population? But who can veto that, in the era of Pangu, the Goddess created the digit of whole conscience is nailed, being a marble world of plants and animals are extinct life, may really convey is made at personal reincarnation? to rend the world's assorted causes and conditions?
So, no matter what the savor of it, be sure to reserve a little compassion for the environment we live in, in array to accumulate morality, for the benefit of their offsprings , merciful, treat our plants and animals friends, do not be too merciless in it.
people as the god of production, landlord of Earth, how should we treat our planet?
not checks and balances, supervision and regulation, we are however it tin not?
reverence for life, is to adore yourself. When the gradual extinction of various genes, the resources will cut off.
not understand the diversity of life reason, is never felt the earth scientists grief.
at current purpose to change human existence in this world of biological frameworks, the hereafter seems definite is wrong. Therefore, humans must learn restraint and control their own desires.
people is the soul, should assume the good and the beautiful seraph,
the elimination of all evil deeds, the spirit of love to pass.
A Jun: ha ha ha ha, vegetarian is to release animals to eat plants So peace of mind for you??? eating animals do not also released for the plant???? heart of gloom, according to the See of Fozhi how sunny???
B Jun: jeer - opposition the - you acknowledge
apparently in the first stage, redouble their efforts and asked stink?
each life has equal value, and human forever want to do on earth foreman, when each species can live in harmony, from the demise of really far away.
had sometimes eat snakes, constantly imagine of snakes on a couple of little eyes staring at I absolutely Xiaxing from a dream, and then do not eat later, no accomplish such a dream
friends, just to see. is downloaded at the above residence, wish to see this film as soon as feasible. not exclusive.
(fourteen )
I downloaded very smoothly, and did not come and wholeness began to attempt to blaze the achieved disc player can put the DVD. the first venture to do such activities, carved turn 4 is not ideal (very time), then finally bought a software from the Internet somehow. has to flow to the burn vocational setter (free time soon). the original DVD is too possible with a honor card to buy the aboriginal site, but most people still like to have Chinese subtitles. and download the code rate is 800, better than VCD.
when watching the > we treat animals of all acts, now are slowly accustomed against us. We believe that murder, mutilation, trampling other species and populations, while demand is correct, but also to school our children, mutilation, trampling, killing himself The same group is correct, you see, now the world is obtaining aggravate hh
have statistics, in Central and South America, each producing 1 pound of beef requires about 20 square meters destroyed the rainforest. In addition, each producing 1 pound of beef requires 5421 gallons of water, and produce 1 pound of wheat only 25 gallons of water. in 1 acre of land quality,in the and learn what link, can produce 40,000 pounds of potatoes or 10,000 pounds of beans, but can only produce 250 pounds of meat. while in the United States, have spent almost half of the measure of water in the cultivation of livestock and other livestock feed.
rapidly in such irrational expense of natural resources of the modern world, it was pre - Introduction: Perhaps nothing can better than the vegetarian diet to amend the human amplify in health and future survival on Earth a opportunity.
the same reason. damaging my heart. Why do not the harmonious coexistence?
so sad! very sad! looked at heart can not tell the uneasy feeling ``! so I think the whole world people ... are ... .. how do you say peace if we can treat animals. more good. people ah. change it vegetarian!
fact narrate the truth, people do not eat Like so much meat to survive! meat mall excess demand resulted in massive afford, catalytic action of those who have, think, do we really need to eat so much meat in order to better survive? number of diseases because we face a outcome of eating meat to face it? in the recommended nutritional meat while the meat inside the harmful substances have not announced how many? appropriate criteria to their diet, as a compel in the world , each of us a universal citizen power.
too cruel, are horrible human beings than any devil!! even the demons, ghosts and no human cruelty!!
disgrace!! this world can no longer stay out.
I still feel good meat, but because of the guilt and difficult to swallow, for peace of idea, I am decided. not to eat meat.
(the twenty-first)
grief, sadness, traces of conscience who treat the.
Why did they undergo? people will undergo for this intention.
I am a vegetarian, do not want to stomach a loaded garbage, the second does not want students difficult ailment and the third is with sympathy, but not carnivorous.
people can not religious, but cause and efficacy can not believe, the Buddha urged the world to the fifth century BC, a vegetarian, to assure that the new never stopped killing animals. humans do not agree in deep introspection, self-will eat the bitter fruit.
I am not a Buddhist, but I have compassion. I still think the meat delicious, but because of the guilt and difficult to swallow, for peace of mind, I am insistent. no longer eat meat.
read this the film really wanted to do a vegetarian.
I have read the same book with this content was yet feeling very shocked now look above this bloody terror film feel more elegant to think we humans us with a delicious meat to the animals but do not know how to endure the pain! Khan left my sweat is the sweat of guilt because I know it all will be forgotten long before human beings will always persist to shove their own on the road to ruin ...
I had to do not like to eat meat! look after my heart, I felt even worse! determined to be vegetarian ...
(XXVIII) < br> the best bit far away from humans.
do not know what to say ...... wish that we almost do not eat meat ......< br> (xxx)
reiterated two days marveling why such a demand for progress of mankind? the so-called economy development in those two countries union profitable is that? decades, centuries, millennia in the past, these have a bubble , but the earth's natural life, the original green will no longer exist! I'm chilling ...
have been ready for bed. has been to see 3. similar to formerly seen the theme of the Earth movie. 90 minutes, 90 minutes shock.
really nobody to say, why did not answer? because we eat meat, we wear. We have naught to say.
There are many person capacity , camouflage namely 1 of numerous good entities truly fair masked. self-deception.
indiscriminate killing of innocent human beings, human over-harvesting, human resources are not ideally meet the earth. mankind is act what?
may Only God knows,toronto asian escort, when creating a guardian angel of nature becomes how long now ..
wish namely we belong apt every other love.
the human mama of the earth, today, been scarred, everyone is compliant to improve environmental awareness, to a standing ovation it, and life on Earth.
2 people recommend this film, it seems really have to really see Look.
I calculate that creature indifferent to the lust of pork alternatively refuse beef, is to amplify self-virtue, and thus life itself is a variety of self-cultivation vegetarian, indivisible, peace and love, set in this glorious vegetarian prototype. from a psychological point of outlook, all beings have the center afraid to dead, and maximum human absence to survive, Care, Animal is it not? this should be variety to all alive asset, right!
All living beings are citizens of the Earth,
ambitioning to normal, human, animal, peaceful coexistence, shared, mutual love.
film eventually told the audience:
vitality of this earth, there are three: ecology, animals , and humans. We are all citizens of the Earth. May we belong to each other love.

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