Thursday, April 28, 2011

a lot of palatable edible dine a mini morsel of throw

A sultry morning, the ventilation namely humid and cloudy on the planet , creature the small litter interview I mm Mercury journalist .
! Happy with us afterward games. people beings had apt migrate to Mercury apt live . Now we must how to how to adore , human bugger . And play . Shut me namely I was in the rubbish dump rapid dormant. and a garbage of human beings , a lot of savory food dine a mini morsel of dart,shenzhen massage, we eat while the repast . male so variety to us A ,toronto escorts! Throw garbage anywhere , and namely the survival of mosquito propagating grounds but we . There are folk who relieve themselves in the fodder,beijing massage, even directly address . Let us be an chance mosquitoes , humans truly so silly that cute . If we do no catch on the surroundings ,approximate the jaws of the creek pollution namely serious, the future of our globe ambition become garbage , flies,beijing escort, mosquitoes of the earth. We 21st centenary humans must defend the environment because future generations Yeah !

mm low-carbon Changzhou Golden Park community by the World Earth Day environmental campaign

I love the earth live
mm low-carbon Changzhou Golden Park community by the World Earth Day environmental campaign
4 22 namely the premier Earth Day 41 . This annual 's theme as Earth Day Changes in lifestyle, promote low-carbon life. ,shanghai escort,stays in area above the sick and dirty environment, Low-carbon life Carbon emissions, carbon neutrality and additional low carbon knowledge, phoned above human apt take one hoist each daytime less and less use of disposable chopsticks , driving less and hiking, promote low carbon alive attach .
then showed himself out of academy students garbage Hand-made After planting the tree , the children were too shown to the dwellers painting their environmental work, work with a variety of flowers , yet also cared approximately the drought in the Southwest theme works. Qinwen Xuan children also read a written proposal to us ,beijing escort, we support for the Arid offer their love , care for the context , caring for the globe mama, to vegetation trees , hand in hand ignited the hope of spring .
with kid Proposal :
when we sang When you understand in Yunnan , Guizhou,shanghai escort, Guangxi is drought .
harvests withered, dry ground , thirsty beasts , people everywhere in quest of water .
water, is human life and hope .
Drought merciless, ardent ,shanghai escort, and we ambition to endow to drought relief . adore water resources , water maintenance, for the spring of hope .
us with real movement , use fewer disposable paper towels , use less disposable chopsticks , a variety of trees, We adore our Mother Earth , ignited the hope of spring .

according with myself ~

There are 2 days of Christmas , and so rapid , merely unfortunately have to work to educate. today to mail blessing , and friends birthday , along with myself ~
immediately renowned to send Apple , I marvel if you listened not,shanghai massage, Today in
speaking , are you here 1st : twenty-four alter appoint to the person to be a dime , tin not repeafter all name have to be special,toronto escorts, save for a wish after Qi .
second: Buy An apple to give a boy, that lad will be blessed, can merely send a oh ~ ~
purchase apples today and penetrate the avenues are packaged full of Apple , it seems namely vendors are well conscious of the romance ,shenzhen massage, And began to take this chance to profit from ,namely not longer a Yao Ming,toronto escort, and Oh ~ ~
tomorrow namely a agreeable friend , .
everybody happy oh ~ ~

MVP trophy lCHANPIONSHIPr rhetoric still approximately ears. Shaq

Blog applying , almost without hesitation to take the . his life to see when the 1st basketball game , and almost fell in love at the outset sight of this big man fat . always the access to work down, pile up of his depth and comprehensive knowing , skills , and his manner, interests and hobbies .
in my mind , he is not merely idols , yet also friends, can no mention why, there is always a feeling of mind interlinked .
studying, life. exhausted,shanghai massage, bored,beijing massage, harmed,Our Habitat,shanghai escort, When hardship . forever unconsciously meditation of him, silently encouraging as him and his . often, the state of his team's disc ambition be feeling about my entire person .
namely year , while the Lakers lost to the Spurs in the Western Conference Finals , discern the huge shark crying, my friend cry,guangzhou massage, the eyes of the monster began to cry. center is broken . nearly never memorize to write a journal I wrote 1 night , MVP trophy lCHANPIONSHIPr rhetoric still nigh ears. Shaq , how do you ? This is what I peruse in his eyes from the
there is a thing called sorrow and mourning are slowly thawing by the moment I
some hate their incompetence

can do is equitable do nought with him Continues unwavering advocate of sad

hero cried he in fact
heroes have the right to have young man labeled crying

good man 's tears of gold distant greater than that pro- daughter
Such as hand-foot- teammate Shaquille

so sad your heart be likewise be undergoing
to attach him through the pinnacle of a million gifted

reluctantly had apt admit , although

immediately in decline of massive sharks do it is a fact ah

old old Zhuangxinbuyi
Sharks martyrs there will be a nice rendition and look forward to
The hero always

2009-08-07 | Russian armored bulletproof cars civilian Auto Jingxian

According to diplomatic medium reports, the United States close San Francisco Zoo Valle about a 6 -year-old Bengal tiger
after a long rigorous exercise ,
has transform an of the grace of the A very renowned mentioning namely the tiger was scared of water, their penniless swimming skills ,shanghai massage,
but the 6 -year-old Odin can immediately skillfully jumped into the water to fish because beef coach threw in the water .
Odin Weight of 230 kg, elevation 3.3 m ,
yet it tin still prowl into the menagerie 's reservoir to grab fish , it shakes very elegant dive .
the destiny of Odin and the Berlin zoo 's polar bear Knut is very similar:
after birth, it was relinquished along its mommy , it namely pretended feeding in the conservation grew up in the box .
beast trainer Munuo it in Odin began exercising by old 3 ,
coach 1st The brim of the pond and activity Odin , the coach then swim in the pool ,
Odin then follow. Odin in a versed context afterward the pond has the aptitude to pillage in the water ,well-maintained lawn,
it has afterward Diving fishing skill, the fish with its sharp teeth apt bite .
Odin will drown it? Germany,beijing massage, the youngest animal trainer ,
19 -year-old Fisher, 29,shenzhen massage, said: ; this does no happen ,
Tiger inhaled wind to exhale for two minutes , in addition , it can open your eyes in the water ,
vision ambition be explicit that this is not problem .
I Recent posts :
2009-08-14 | DIY specialist made ​​strange mouse (Figure )
2009-08-13 | Kazakh : ultimate tribal falconry (Photos )
2009-08 - 11 | It is an imaginative inkjet Art (Photos )
2009-08-10 | out of the nation experience the masterpiece of exotic (Photos )
2009-08-09 | foreign armies, principally for : handmade wine Bottle key (Photo )
2009-08-07 | Russian armored bulletproof cars civilian Auto Jingxian ! cool !
2009-08-05 | praise ! UK -year-old talent painter and his goes aboard the small (Figure )
2009-08-05 | DIY bougie personalized romantic success (Photos )
2009-08-04 | art of hand- mantled cable out ,toronto escorts!
2009-08-03 | under the microscope World of Warcraft

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


First, the learning objectives:
1, master insert WordArt, pictures, text boxes, and tin sum up a definite decree.
2,toronto escort, through the .
Second, teaching massive, and difficult:
Key: Insert a picture from a file, how to prefer the route.
difficulties: the rational delivery layout
demonstration method of education methods, the operation practice of law,massive rabbit, independent knowledge, teachers guide
4 pre-class preparation:
courseware, sample
five works,beijing massage, the teaching process:
Teacher: Let me in level ahead the subject of a common-sense test test all 38th World Earth Day, Earth is our home life, she is now everywhere trauma, today we all ambition to love life, love human the Earth launched the Green start, concerned approximately the environment, to understand environmental conservation, more beautiful environment we live in love, to defend our general mom.
to play good publicity, today we use computer software to build a Microsoft Word application of existing images distinct text of the Teacher tips: What? then pointing to the title says, and . hope to learn this course the students were able to make the work better than the teacher, and then selected the best works of our medal.
courseware show: to produce today's learning goals.
shade broadcasting: We first start the word
petition software, press the A: Select the art of their favorite font styles, click free apt migrate, free extend. (prompt guide students to browse teachers visit and do individual counseling.
Teacher: Well, maximum students have completed the title of the input, we began to learn the following into the picture. here's no deficit of students in the master computer and which the students yet mastered into the image way to give us show you. (encouraging students to teachers, operating demonstration, teaching students to play a student, teacher-led role.)
students (a computer br> Teacher: Click Click the the pictures? still find the .)
(the students the operation, OKAY? We attempt him our thanks the wonderful operation! hope namely our classmates can convert a computer adept) the retinue students to start their own operation, to insert by fewest 2 pictures.
students: hands-on exercises began, the teacher visits, doing individual counseling, to encourage awarded students to help students with learning difficulties, studying difficulties should be consulted warmhearted.
(spirit of unity and cooperation to play a group)
Teacher: (Teacher Feedback , and import into the text box.) equitable have a lot of students queried the teacher why the picture namely not inserted into the same role as the art of accidental mobile situation? This namely today the third answer to be solved There will students do? (If yeah, action and demonstration of students, or teachers to explain demo) Click We 1st select the
we look, we have to suitably adjust the size of pictures and text boxes to make it two sizes hence. (another consolidate the picture of the insert) can now picture is not any location to move it? text box is not merely You can insert pictures, and its cardinal function is to input text. Next, we practice in adding to insert pictures, text box, adjust the proper location, merely also into the text box to enter your own advocate words, can organize people to protect the environment, love our home.
student to operate, insert text boxes and insert their favorite pictures, erase the elemental picture, and insert txt carton to enter their own advocacy lecture.
teachers visit and do individual counseling.
Teachers recommend students adapt the position of pictures and text boxes to make our layout a harmonious look agreeable, can play a publicity efficacy.
every team selected the best works in this group of teachers go to ascertain a creator of the best creators of works and common exhibit their work, the teacher machine demonstration, and explain their making means. (play review and consolidate the role of students along following their go out what additional failings, ought be how to adjust the .)
VI Summary:
learning by the students of today have what did you learn?

Buddhism's Four Noble Truths approximately life

Traveling retrospective exhibition of a tsunami three words - retrospective exhibition 2007/4/22 [people of the world to love, love]
I'm going, year net prices will soon expire, afterward the family can not afford the . Moreover, Shurangama to
pointing to the Buddha. I too think there is naught to be said, then,,, if any friends are interested in reading my
thought now promulgated here. they feel less
time, people premier have a talk about it psychologically prepared to approve the winds of a tsunami, Shurangama smile,,
, wings and flying, and, to manage their own garden-like fruit.
Finally, I absence to depart all my friends to know about life, including all three sentences. They say 7,
I say three little perception of it.
a , allies and enemies: I would like to attempt on behalf of cosmic ideas, set off a hatred of r.2008 l
years later, ahead all the hatred is thought a past life you owe to each other almost every year, also finished with each other,
after any enemies to each other, do not kill the renewed fighting. remember sensibility forget hatred,,, merely the before life has not
not quite love, love this thing more also more,,, present and future concern you hurt or even killed you pre-existence deserving to people feeling the maximum
. alternatively your favorite people, people to still your mind and you might be ache.
retrospective exhibition of Health would like all people around the world and million blood, no grudges Qiu,apt residence universal weather change,toronto escorts, near to each other, all alive beings to
are one, these words deep point, hehe. beings could have been a relatively cozy to comprehend.
off today as the world's hatred of Japan l r it!!!
II , Love: Remember the phase of love, hate parting ignored. feeling a cause, there are points of action.
each other's location is also going on while the debt. loved is no regrets, love is eternal. retrospective exhibition and I wish all the world million students
are sweet love and happiness. I wish lovers obtain married, merely you know, All agreeable things all over.
anything is over. After each miss each other, each to find their own happiness, is still variant congratulating.
not too take things too hard also bitter to remember the phase of love,toronto escorts, the afterlife will encounter, renovate brim,,,
haha ​​* love flying off allies and enemies as well for customs and delight off ****** *
Third, joy: Buddhism's Four Noble Truths about life, one of which is Kudi. retrospective exhibition was proud to say, hard to do in the melody,
set a assured optimism. upset namely not painful, who hard he would not be die? retrospective exhibition and I wish the people of the globe
million students never happier.
* *
going to blog in, QQ in, and friends in the game, brothers, sisters in a very long period
respectively. I was a big male, but, the truth from me, cut off most of a body,,,
you know, what it's like you? 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555
55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 < br> and then * see * a * friends *
sister who sent me the 2 plans forwarded to you each and each friend of the
I plan to intend for their own lives, and I calculate that whether the idea accustom to make money aboard, you phone namely big ah? game to help his wife r
blue l earn 2 million. has little to dilute a little of her indebtedness. yesterday to help my sister chose the four stocks. ruddy sun today up 4.61%,,
Changfeng Special power up 5.95%, up 5.32% in the development,, Jinde development rose 6.3%. Oh, that I did this, the future will be good
* * < br> [do not pay attention: how a coincidence today ah?? wrote this article to see what the appointment is the lunar day, sixth day of March. And that coincidence is
Today is Earth Day l r,,, haha ​​~ ~ ~ ~ ~ haha ​​~~~~~ ~~~~~ days is actually God's help I tin.
Do not think I accidentally designed.
that I Gumou never get bored of the perform. If you do not deem that I can investigate the web treatment element is not to pinch the net my.
general caring for the globe bar, go attach to retention the people disaster. rotate hostility into friendship, have to not launch a nuclear battle ,,,,,,,< br> However, the explosion of a nuclear war to cause a fetter response. Earth destroyed, and no afterlife million students to survive,,, did I, the disaster ah ?????]< br> * *
4 / 26 日 continued, White 55 foot. Net was not a pinch of ultra-net, ha ha, earned, OK ~~~~~~

⒌ ① Zhuhai voyage journal recorded the 1st act

⒌ ① Zhuhai peregrination memo recorded the premier deed
sunny April 29 in Wuhan
a mini heat this morning, have classes always morn , merely the center of the sea to fly early , fly where ? fly to Zhuhai,toronto escort, the .......< br> finally bring an end to ... the C language, physical pedagogy. midday, I would retard their luggage 3 , once again resolve their own baggage sack which did not lose anything .
very impatient Oh Really,toronto escorts, there are 4 pm . I propose to lacking 2 , and or the insurance point to the train station earlier it,they impulse you apt guidance. Thank you! avoid anything ought occur !
time coming and I have some numbers senior, roommate went. ride On the 902 , quite excited acridine ! ! ! I meditation at this moment the mood namely definitely
no one can comprehend . faster than thought , the car has come apt the practice station , the train departure time from the T119 even aggravate 1 Hours
anxious ~ true. off the roommate , and Guangdong senior crew came in the medium of waiting , seeing the people nigh them excited expression , and he is irrepressible excitement
eventually got ashore , And waiting as the train departure punctuality .
train slowly started the night slowly fell .19 o'clock . dissimilar 10 hours , she went to Guangzhou . I do my best to live the competence to inhibit the excitement , br> for I ambition to acquire time , extra and crab attach, I promised her all the time I plucked the crab, crab hold . The night slowly deep, warm message a few crabs ,
truly made of marine Feel at ease. truly, so the night rapidly in the past , morrow morning , morrow morning , tomorrow ambition be better anyhow .

Our Home .

In 1974 only 1 Earth .;
1975 years of human alive .;
1976 Water: Vital Resource for Life .;
1977年Ozone Layer Environmental Concern , who lost water , taint degradation and deforestation. ;
1978 Development Without Destruction .;
1979 and hereafter annuals in mandate to mm not undermine children's development .;
1980 the current 10-year , new challenges do not undermine the development of mm .;
1981, conservation of groundwater and people food fetter; control noxious chemical pollution .;
1982 memorial of the 10th anniversary of the Stockholm Conference on Human Environment mm addition environmental awareness .;
1983 years of treatment and elimination of dangerous consume ; Control Acid Rain and Energy efficiency .;
1984年desertification .;
1985 the Youth Population and the Environment .;
1986 on Environment and Peace .;
1987 on Environment and housing .;
1988年Protection of the context , sustainable development,toronto escorts, public participation .;
1989年Global Warming !;
1990 Children and the Environment .;
1991 Climate alteration requires global co- mm .;
1992年Only One Earth mm , Care and Share .;
1993 Poverty and the Environment mm out of the vicious surround .;
1994 One Earth One Family .;
1995 We the People United as a better Of the globe .;
1996 Our Earth , Our Habitat ,shanghai escort, Our Home .;
1997 life on Earth .;
1998 Life on Earth mm Save Our Seas .;
retention the planet in 1999 ,starting August first, is to save the future .;
2000 2000 The Environment Millennium mm to Act !;
2001 the World Wide Web of Life .;
2002年Give Earth a Chance . ; < br> 2003年treat the earth, protect the environment .;
2004年treat the Earth , technological development .;
2005年treat the Earth - the scientific development and harmonious .;
2006年treat the Earth - treasure resources And sustainable development .;
2007年gentle with the earth - starting from the conservation of resources .;
2008 year:

either ends collateral with the existing siteline fence and namely no chained apt fashion {appearan

National Wildlife first open channel on September 10 in Inner Mongolia in the Mongolian Wulatehouqi the official prologue of the border.
To build a culture, build a harmonious society, to protect and save infrequent and endangered wildlife,the appointment of publish even with 20 meters away, preservation, evolution of wildlife resources and maintaining ecological balance, by the relevant consent, in Inner Mongolia in the Mongolian border Wulatehouqi, opened 4 channels of wild animals.
Wulatehouqi flag council, according apt the Standing Committee of People's Armed Forces Minister Yang Ping presentation, entire Channel construction standards are strictly enforced,shanghai massage, Wildlife channel siteline.
cleared in the corresponding section in the barbed cable in the lot south of our territory from the border fence collateral to the appropriate place and then set up a border fence, the cable length of 50-60 meters mouth , both ends parallel with the existing border fence and is no interlocked to manner outside to inside, and then instantly into the channel to both sides of the bend.
same time, to facilitate the adoption and recognition of savage animals, construction, savage animals in the border channel near the location settings ashore the collection of small amounts of food and a small zone of ​​the puddle.
It namely understood that Urad Grassland namely part of the Mongolian Plateau, the ancient kind of wild animals to survive and amplify where numerous kinds of wild animals, quantity,toronto escorts, wild ass, marmot, Mongolian gazelle, team sheep, red sheep, blue sheep, ibex, fox, wolves and other groups come and go, there are golden eagles, geese, gazelle, argali, lynx, abandon cats, Demoiselle Crane, crane, vultures and additional wild animals in this amuse, numerous. by air and other factors, Urad Grassland species of wild animals and gradually reduce, in array to build a harmonious grasslands, ecological harmony, harmonious society, Wulatehouqi the set the flag progressive comprehension of the livestock poise and ecological restoration, because wildlife and create a rewarding environment as survival.
for the country's first open-Mongolia border open channels of wildlife demonstration projects Wulatehouqi flag committee, the administration will in the whole flag athletic and efficient within the environment of publicity, so that the full protection of wild animals, according to herders. Meanwhile, the flag to reinforce the protection of wild animals and their living environment, conservation and treatment staff will regularly mobilize inquiry of wildlife resources. (Xinhua Chen Qingping Bayan nur Taiduanyijuan
this article

and Two accumulation are mostly tailored apt the theme namely there

Twenty years ago, ambitioned to have one of her paperback. Now, my fourth of the manuscript has been submitted for publication. a synopsis of the genre.
twenty years time as water. All things, water is the Spirit, is the deficit of water. such as water, the stream will be left jot, so the pen stopped working two decades, not to resist the small streams, it With side by verdant trees maintain the United States have explicit water rivers,beijing escort, lakes and Zebo.
two decades, such for water unknowingly walk through time in two centuries. It's two thirds of the part house of the set are always of the last centenary the early eighties to the works of the late nineties, the remaining is for the twenty-first century new. The.
the published report of this collection of literature and the first two sets are slightly another. The first is the ten women artists scrapbook, and the second is the chief of fifteen interviews with leaders in science craft set; and Two collection are mostly tailored to the theme is there, later earlier and was completed within a very short time of time prose and quality and no words, but only when the lack of old go in mandate that special variety of emotion. in mandate .
a philosopher words, time will reduce anything, but in order to make the old, some fragments of memory as the lawless pearl string in the brain gradually up, fresh as yesterday.
... ... equitable 3 days noble qualities still appreciated;
Hu Yadong is a chemical specialist, notwithstanding I did not write his article (that Mr. Hu not to jot in) how humility the post of mentor of the Institute of Chemistry, has the house is still not criterion, especially the Academy of Sciences qualifications, but also for his humility and missed the chance ... ... the strength of role and moral people Jingzhi.
readiness of this manuscript to the chemical industry is actually doing a great thing. In the experiences, all invest valuable historical data.
most memorable writers of my money and Anhui jade not only shared your from Beijing, Chongqing is the first stop. In one interview with Southwest Chemical Industry Research Institute, Ministry of Chemical Industry VII of the construction engineering corporation, Sichuan Chemical Group, we went straight down the river by boat Yueyang.
the night on embark is very memorable. a coincidence, a colleague in Beijing, we speak too speculative, flesh and nectar, and then through the alcohol power to sing. ship's karaoke is very expensive, very little athlete, which might have done that to us. you for I attempt a . I do not sing the General Assembly tin sing that night was one of the largest life, people lit every marrying song, is that because of the opportunity, I am with money, the friendship of your long history of jade.
scenic Three Gorges beautiful, Zhangfei meditation before, memorable is the time we approached the scene of Yueyang terminals. When the canoe pier gradually enter Yueyang, just hear to someone shouting our names, from afar, see Hunan Writers Zhou Xun and one of the cheer is toward the dock waving us hard. on the ship for two days to walk the night, suddenly saw the long-lost friends, we hug, we cheered. still recollection the scene that year, still so lukewarm, still so excited . although it is a lengthy eight, numerous things occur, people long ago, has not changed is that the memories of a beautiful friendship and the favor, such as wine.
finishing this collection, brought back many memories. have interviewed city primary school teachers do not go well; the mountains in Guangxi, because of the bitter experience of ill acclimatized; also have to narrate carvers carving capabilities, elect the material with them, sculptured jade, moving stone, since Tim's liking of love jade ; more first interview with the prisoner into the jail and feel deposits in the deep mining; easy laborers and laborers, all in the first infection after their move into these small stream thousand words.
strategy, wrote books by three methods: one is handwritten, Second, brain-writing, writing three of the center; I am not sure which is better written, the only vocal is in the set house to disc a lot of venerable, although names are different, and do agreeable different, but all seems little waves, trickling water, the sun bright in the colorful, the buzz of a million trees watery and verdant, the difficulties of the journey placid ... ...
in dialogue with the waves, laud the gorgeous life; and water talk, interesting that the deep water does not corrode! waves silently, their emphasis on the wider world; water gurgled, loveliness and things in the earth. these ten Jiwan Zi set house, all the hard work I buried; I am compliant for burial, because they deserve my effort to be buried!
very enriched, very grateful.
words these days the floods occur frequently above TV in the reception, the most memorable year in southern China than that of the Yangtze River, north of the Songhua River overflow occurred . Today, I want it there are still some staying panic, because this is our people ecology to mail a muscular signal: Do not deforestation of forests, to protect the natural, especially to protect the archaic forests, alternatively person destruction of ecology, but likewise excavate graves for themselves!
bad has been hurl, calamity has fallen, to reserve our militia in vain cruel perspiration, wastage of precious lives in vain, the Government published a fussy juncture floods coastal fishing to inflate the range of Act and the prohibition of deforestation. Although these two amounts has come late, but not too late. As long as we put down the ax, fewer slitting down trees, vegetation trees, protect the surroundings, adore nature, I meditation nature is also will give us in return.
said tree planting, there are two small things make me feel profoundly.
first object in the fall 1 year, an of my friends from Canada. Although he national Beijing, yet the growth of his childhood in Canada, this period to Beijing for their roots, have been arranged to stay because a month, merely only as a week. Before leaving, said to me: too large; but also many sand in Beijing, I feel bad. be conscious. ; Yellow Rain br> I remember namely annual,shanghai escort, a delegation of ten people we writers to Jiamusi Xiaoxing'anling people songs. regional writer friends that bring us to the forest to look, we are quite excited. because, in my imagination in the aboriginal woods trees should be towering, giant; once you walk in the jungle at the foot of domesticated hen is a wafer of green grass,and asked my dad ought disburse consideration apt every daytime with a cameapt to log the babe 's g, sun streaming in the breach tree, exhibited in front is a chromatic ... ... but when I actually went into the time Xiaoxing'anling , but the meager face several strains of antique trees, where there is a mini savor of the original forest.
the answer stunned me: The new species of trees grow slowly, generally speaking, a pine or spruce trees absence to grow up to become serviceable about a hundred years ... ... impact. the face of Mountains, the face of the surging flood, the face of our day to daytime to decrease green plants, and our lives are intimidated in the daytime to day reality,

1 drip of water conservation

Today, April 22, is Earth Day, to commemorate the daytime the world is to each of us to attend. I understand, this day, just to caution the world of people, to adore the valuable resources on earth, ought begin to know the invaluable resources and the care to frugality in daily to transform a everyday habit of people,toronto asian escort, so to treat the earth, maintenance of resources, as us today, because the well-being of hereafter generations to protect the Earth's environment. < br> In our daily, there are a lot of things you tin do, here I chiefly mean the daily life and go habits. such as: water and electricity at the time, to have this awareness,tin be divided into gastroenteritis, when necessary we go with, disburse attention to saving, an drop of water conservation, saving the world's people will be into the river; one kilowatt savings, we can retention power wasted by a coal resources of raw materials. In our go, we tin attention to environmental protection,toronto escorts, so that always the creatures in nature for we are there to protect the ecological, that is, to protect our people themselves. This is a very meaningful event the entire mankind, every one of us should continue to do whatever the conditions every nice object.
The emulating is the introduction of the World Earth Day: (file from the web)
Earth Day (World Earth Day)
Earth Day originated in the United States.
1969, the U.S. Democratic Senator Gallo ㎞ Germany. Nelson proposed that the important environmental issues held in the educate garden lectures. then 25-year-old Harvard Law student Dennis. Hayes soon Nelson's proposition throughout the United States into a large-scale community-based activities, specific motifs, and obtain common support from many juvenile students.
1970 年 4 22, the United States held the 1st massive ; Earth Day .1990 above April 22, more than 140 countries approximately the world, 2 billion folk around the same period held a variety of environmental campaigns. The activities of the United Nations permission. from the ; World Earth Day meteorological detection instruments on disc, the global average temperature mushrooms along 0.6 degrees Celsius, the 13 warmest years since 1983 were .20 in the 80's, the global number of folk affected by disasters every year an mean of 147 million, meantime the 20th century 90 years, this diagram heaves apt 2.11 million. About 40% of the world's population a solemn water shortage, whether this trend namely not restrained, in 30 years, extra than 55% of the global population ambition face water shortages. the normal surroundings degradation is likewise a serious menace apt wild species on the planet. Today around 12% of bird category and a quarter of mammals threatened with extinction, while one-third of over-fishing has led apt depletion of fish resources.
Earth Day activities are designed to induce person adore the world, defend the matherland awareness, resource development and environmental protection to enhance the coordinated evolution. China 90 years from the 20th century, the anniversary April 22 Earth Day events are held.

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The aggregate profit

Universal Pictures
prevalent shark shark video game consoles of special note an increase of large venues and medium-sized venues, small venues on the host of three programs can be adjusted to meet the needs of different venues. Encumbered charge points to increase the proportion of console switch, cancellation charge sub-function to facilitate the operation of different actors.
access into the main menu:
Method One: When the host at running a After this extension runs circles, you can enter the host menu.
Method Two: The host has to be time or a fault, please power off the host, and then been pressed on the can enter the host menu.
host inspecting methods:
hold audit (total profit = total total coin coin m)
total coin (total points + coin on coin =)
total coin (total coin = coin under the sub-+)
on points (the points of file)
under the sub (the sub-data)
coin (coin data)
coin (coin data)
Please note: the early host is not the up and down the small screen points and divide investment accounts of retirement money, there is no last minute (on the sub-data) under the sub (the sub-data) coin (coin data) coin (coin data).
ext audit:
Press and prop ;, press the Total coin (total points + coin on coin =)
aggregate coin (total coin = coin under the sub-+)
on the points (the points of data)
beneath the sub (the sub-data )
coin (coin data)
coin (coin data)
host reimbursement methods:
hold down the , and then click counting),
03-leaf times the tangible profit of all the extensions (addition from the final bar fight),
07 page Total number of times of playing the bar code,
08 页 machines and numbers,
15-tested code,
the last show,
long for the correct time for reimbursement (please refer to the host of the reimbursement method), enter the correct bar code, you can take time to re-extend the 5500 minutes. regardless of the time had been at anyone time can be stretched to 5500 the time for reimbursement minutes.
host zero method:
at the peak of two continuous billings (see host reimbursement method) to connect to host zero.
host the following types of positions must be zero:
1: Host failure .2: a new extension to combine .3: the host has done most accounts, the accounts show 08 stop machine .4: host parameter is modified.
zero have to be eminent that the host matters:
1: If the host to zero, please put all the extensions fully open, and the host is connected correctly. to determine the extension and the host have the correct connection, LCD screen can be displayed on the host When not connected properly, at the peak of the extension connected, the host can re-zero the students.
2: In the middle of the two reimbursement process, please do not up and down on the extension points, or investment coin. or host can merely lag, not zero.
3: Under natural circumstances, do not always zero.
host parameter correction method:
hold Menu means), and then click straight press OKAY to get into). momentous parameter details are It’s about time:
1: Running lights out card rate (press delete, delete the original rate of the cards, and then press the number keys to enter the rate you want the cards, the minimum 99.9% 00.0%
largest, Note: The decimal point is not shown)
2: percentage of times the cards (currently not accustom)
3: Coin ratio (press Delete key to elect, there are 1, 100 coins, 1 coin 1 minute, 1 coin 2 points, 1 coin 5 points, 10 points 1 coin, a coin 20 points, 50 points 1 coin, a coin 80 points, 8 varieties of options, the factory default is 1 coin 10 minutes, Note: the sub-10 times the proportion)
4: highest charge (at the delete key choice, 99 points, 50 points, 95 points, 3 options, the factory default is 99 minutes)
Note: Some special-shaped machine number, you can adjust the maximum charge for additional points, according to a specific screen to adjust.
5: the proportion of charge points (one bet how many points, press the delete key choices, have 1 minute, 2 minutes , 5 points, 10 points, 4 kinds of options, the factory default is 1 minute).
care to a very new type of machine, you can bet points by adjusting the ratio of the intention to increase the charge points. For example: First, the maximum charge points 99 minutes, the charge sub-charge ratio was adjusted to 1 5 minutes to connect detention on the 5X99 = 495 points. Second, the maximum charge is divided into 99 minutes, the charge sub-charge ratio was adjusted to 1 10 to be detention on the 10X99 = 990. But the show remains at 99 points. This function is suitable for the lofty proportion of the regional coin, a coin 50 cents, or 1 coin 100.
6: Power Music (refers to sing do not sing afterward triumphing, click Delete button to select, at times, the factory default is open, if you do not choose to sing after obtaining off).
7: size ratio (ratio culling is colossal or small magnification, press the delete key alternatives, the factory default is a small multiple of )
there are many new varieties in some zones in order to meet the firm rate, the machine adds the emulating features:
one: a small multiple of change (average ratio is a small rate, but each time to open licensing, will for multiples)
Second: large multiples of change (is namely a large magnification ratio, merely Every time a license, will for multiples)
III: multiple of the same, maximum 46 minimum of 5 times (if you choose this multiple, each open license minimum of 5 times 46 is the largest)
four: multiple of the same, minimum 5 to 40 times (if you choose this multiple, each card is the largest open a minimum of 5 times 40)
five: times change, Maximum 46 minimum 4 times, (if you choose this multiple, every card is open 4 times the maximum 46 minimum)
six: times alteration, the minimum 4 to 75 times (if you choose this multiple, Every period cards are namely the smallest 4-fold to 75)
VII: multiple of the same, minimum 4 maximum 70 times (if you choose this multiple, Every time a license is 4 times the maximum 70 minimum)
VIII: multiple of the same, the maximum 68 minimum 4 times,toronto escorts, (if you choose this multiple, Every time a license is 4 times the maximum 68 minimum)
8: charge points of time (minimum 15 seconds, maximum 60 seconds, press delete, delete the original number of seconds, then press the number keys to enter the number of seconds you want the factory default is 30 seconds).
9: Heaven, Earth (alternatively called charge size, Chuang leisure and so aboard) the cards rate (press cancel, delete the aboriginal rate of the cards , and then press the number keys to enter the rate you absence the cards), the largest minimum 00.0% 99.9% Note: The decimal point is not shown in).
10: Heaven and Earth (or called charge size, Zhuang leisure, etc.) the maximum charge points (press the delete key choices, different models can be adjusted values ​​are different, please adjust according to the actual display).
11: people (likewise known as 7 or and) the maximum charge (at the delete key selection Different models can be adjusted values ​​are assorted, please adjust according to the actual display).
12: Select multiple locations (press Delete key to select, change, or change), this trait is the mushroom in fashionable types of machines feature, the machine in the past is not. The main function is to assist the continued custody of the visitors liked the chart. If you choose change, then the multiples of 12 to a fixed array of size in a characteristic situation. then to pursue high-expansion guests, at a time the highest multiple of a wager, since you can always hold down the (continued custody) key, to score a straight charge into the location of the highest multiples,toronto escorts, the intended option as the parameters of our company is based on the needs of the market maximum of the set, without special absences, do not modify,
because the amendment to any one parameter, the host, and all extensions must be connected together, accounted for two time zero. Also on the parameters in the things that we often different machines, be rectified hence, specifically the Chinese see the host screen display to adjust.
quick shift relief method:
before shift change, not to be separated on points or the Second Board under the points. then do not shut down,temperature namely still cheap today, see by the shade tin shift change.
first line read: left in the running time (the time from the bar fight)
second line appears as: The total profit (total profit = profit + points down vote coin profit)
third line appears as: up and down of profits (under the sub-sub-m)
fourth line appears as: coin investment profits (coin m coin)
common troubleshooting methods:
1: If the host LCD backlight if no show or ghosting, color, deep, explicit, open the hosts back cover, there is a norm on the motherboard switch, light adjustment clockwise, counterclockwise deep intonation.
extension can not connect failure: The 4 words at the beginning of the fault code, such as 40,41 and so on. is a articulation failure, please check the same extension number without , is not connected to cable, calculator on-board communication is not inserted, if these are normal, you equitable put this extension and other extensions are open power, and then accounted for two zero on it. If there is the same extension number, press and hold the extension of the K3 key, turn the power on, press the Start button to turn to page 7, and then press the coin button to modify the extension number. Finally, the host and all the extensions connected, the host reimbursement After two zero (extension connected to normal, and open the power supply) if the extension or maintenance of the host had sent back to the contractors, please bring back, to re-access, you need to double host reimbursement zero (extension connected to the normal and turn on the power)
ext own fault can be excluded by the following steps:
1,30,31 check investment coin switch
2: If not, press K0 + K3 key or press on the points + The retinue sub-key, open the power, there 66, the extension naught
3: If not agreeable, see 4 words at the beginning is not the mistake, and if so to retard the communication wire is not there problem.
4: If it is determined there is no problem connecting to the same check there is no extension number.
5: If you have not amuse always the extensions and the host connected, power is on, even the reimbursement of the two host sub-zero code on it.
Note: In order to facilitate the extension of livelihood, most of the extensions you do not turn off the power failure is maintained, we have made a hot start switch K2, you are in case of failure extension Just click K2 can be re-hot begin to the extension, but the K2 does not emerge in the extension does not work the case of failure, of course, you can switch to exclude.
When the host for some cause while you can not audit check the accounts of all the extensions. ext audit Methods: K0 hold, or to open the bolt on the points, along to the sub-key, turn the power on, 0 total profits, a total coin + on the points, 2 Under the total coin + points, 3 The actual profits. Click the Start button to rotate the pages. and then put together the accounts of all extensions, is the host list.
special attention: ext audit, if the JP does not light a is negative, JP lamp columns in the Total col and among the scores.
extension 12P Wiring: 1 Foot 12V, 2 pin coin, 3 feet to 4 feet 5V, 5 feet coin, 6 feet to , 7 feet, the 8-foot sub, 9 feet to 10 feet points, 11 feet, the 12-foot horn.
which received a coin pin 1,2,3, 4,5,6, feet received the motor electric eye, 7,8, feet under the distribution received, 9,10, foot locks on the points received, 11,12 feet on the receiving loudspeaker.
money behind if necessary to referendum, you can put 2,3 feet (coin switch) directly to short-circuit, 5,6 feet (coin switch) instantly to short-circuit.
6P extension wiring: 1,2 feet +5 V, 2,3 feet to 4 feet coin marking SSR, 5 pin +12 V
host power lines: approximately two to +5 V, the navel of an article from China for the game to

and beyond strengthened the positiveness apt serve the motherland

(0) past the memories of At the Castle Peak , close a green water , everywhere, verdant , fruitful, accompanied along a diversity of nameless flowers , gives a beautiful picture. surprising! This is our trip to this Mm destination for Fuzhou, Fujian , but also I second home. I glory enlisted to combine the ranks of the PLA Air Force 's Combat ,toronto escorts!
my hometown in Henan 's rustic districts, it tin be said ; home is Yimapingchuan, Faintly apparent in the winter in appending to a tiny green cypress trees , the sunny days is the endless yellow world, is a vast expanse of sleet . present Cottage Farmers,Earth still long apt live both Created, in the depth of a woods, dug a few chips of brutal ginseng , prepared to Guangzhou to better amount , then called the Outside, leather jacket , maximum mantled in fur coat and wearing suede huge shoes,toronto escort, the clothe is heavily armed , but still shivering with cold . sit south of the exercise, traffic and Beijing presently, he felt the body heat; Put the fur wrap, fur cap off , then took off via the Wuhan leather jackets and cotton , the car has been to Guangzhou when the temperature is extra than thirty extra , obtain off , he wore belts , vests also feel peppery. It entirely Confirms the major north-south charm fame !
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resulting in a kind of chemicals. herbal tea as a people medicine

Natural herbal tea herbal tea (Herb Tea), namely a very long period antecedent people secondhand the herb tea, dating back some 5 thousand years ago, Su Meiwen of four thousand years ago, ancient Egypt, China, India and additional areas, seemed on the log with the remains of herbs. In ancient Greece, the is the origin of tea plants. Roman writers old Princeton, Dio Curry Des writings waiting as herbal medicine, herbal tea were recorded with the prescription.
nineteenth century, chemistry, biology has greatly the development of lively ingredients involved in many plants can use artificial, resulting in a variety of chemicals. herbal tea as a people medicine, in the family Ice Age. twentieth century, the problem of chemical side effects in some zones restore the elemental direction of life, if in medicine or diet, flowers have played an momentous role. herbal tea in Japan has forever been regarded as a healthy enjoyment of tea, a everyday selection of drinks, it is not only beneficial to health , and the color, smell and taste even more enjoyable and unforgettable.
screen.width * 0.7) this.resized = true; this.width = screen.width * 0.7; this.alt = 'Click here to open new window';to stop the spasm and so on. on the human immune system is also of great benefit;
tannins with astringent, antidiarrheal, anti-infection effect;
vitamin content of vitamin herbal tea and a lot of different types.
drink no merely with the herbal tea to promote digestion and U.S. Yanmei Rong, also help to radically enhance the physical fitness; minerals herbal tea contains magnesium, calcium, steel and other important nutrients of people health; flavonoids have anti-tumor, tumor suppressor (to prevent the free pedestal form) feature.
herbal tea caffeine free, low tannins and cheap in calories, with the counting of gainful elements, in the pursuance of return to nature, to subserve natural therapies today, much of women users. to color in terms of from among the perspicuous and colorless to nearly black, including ruddy, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet shades of alteration; and its savor has been thanks to broad range of aromatic fuels, either fresh and mild, alternatively strong aroma are especial. and pleasant smell; As for savor, and some pure and aesthetic, some mellow and refreshing, also compatible with some sweet and sour and even bitter Gan.
drinking herbal tea to relieve stress and help sleep or refreshing, aid digestion, for the marrow. long-term benefits are meek norm of physiological functions, for colds, acute and chronic pain of the people, fundamentally improve physical fitness. In addition, some herbal tea to make your favorite fragrance package or for bathing, etc., are regarded as adding spice of life, relieve tension pressure of big city life a good way. herbal tea is an afternoon tea in the urban way of life, presenting an elegant accidental atmosphere. generalized herbal tea including fruit tea (Fruit Tea), and flavored tea (Taste Tea).
Rose Tea Rose: Origin is the world's most popular European
also the most popular tea. elegant and fascinating fragrance of tea roses, nature gentle, as rich in vitamins A, C, B, E, K, and tannins, in promoting blood rotation, beautify the skin, healing wounds, gastrointestinal function effectively to protect the liver. long-term consumption can promote metabolism, improve endocrine disorders, to promote smooth and resilient skin, dry or sensitive skin firm to eliminate, prevent constipation, reduce time pain or menstrual stream, and improve symptoms such as cold hands and feet. In addition, civilian society has always been convinced that Rose has the help of miraculous aphrodisiac, so it is a long
be used to improve the frigidity of promoting hormones.
screen.width * 0.7) {this.resized = true; this.width = screen.width * 0.7; this.alt = 'Click here to open new window ';}very light, with a narcotic, anti-high pressure, improve digestion, regulate abdomen, diuretic, to relieve the effects of constipation, primarily while you cough and cold drink
help resumption. the pleasure of drinking this tea is one channel watch tan change: a good drench the 1st time transparent blue, the fast evolution of gorgeous lavender light, a mini longer then into light brown, but if the middle of addition a few drips of lemon beverage, but it will change into a pink imagine, when drinking can enjoy a visual startle.
screen.width * 0.7) this.resized = true; this.width = screen.width * 0.7; this.alt = 'Click here to open new window'; >
Lavender Tea Lavender: Country of Origin
have flowers in the Mediterranean zone known as the Queen, alias quiet fragrance plant. are widely used in cooking and medicine, beauty and so on. the Middle Ages, Lavender was regarded as the embodiment of adore , a symbol of purity and innocence. It can refine the state of idea, the lifting of anxiety, relieve accent, relax, help sleep, in addition, the initial cough and cold cure and relax the digestive tract spasms, improve skin allergies, if there is a physical bruise, but also will help wound healing, is the ideal tea manipulation of migraine. So the good reputation of the best partners are white-collar workmen. should be famous that lofty doses of purple should be avoided, especially in pregnant women.
screen.width * 0.7) this . resized = true; this.width = screen.width * 0.7; this.alt = 'Click here to open new window';brew made with cinnamon sticks. tenacity as likened cinnamon mallet, suitable for pot method, simmer 20 minutes just about to have taste, and cinnamon sticks very resistant bubble, soak entire daytime is harmless, you can also return to red several times. brown cinnamon tea with the shares of a entry that is sweet and spicy flavor, drink the pharynx and stomach are faint warmheartedness, to treat early influenza, and help digestion, relieve abdominal distension, diarrhea conditioning functions. and cinnamon tea can be refreshing , so that clear musing, for drinking in the morn.
screen.length * 0.7) {this.resized = true; this.width = screen.width * 0.7; this.alt = 'Click here to open current window'; } souvenir) .
screen.width * 0.7) this.resized = true; this.width = screen.width * 0.7; this.alt = 'Click here to open new window';grass tea LemonVerbena: origin of tea plants in South USA
a queen in the world. it can strengthen the nervous system, improve solicitude and nervous breakdown, a tonic for the nervous system and the relaxation effect, reinforce the liver function, reduce varicose capillaries, and promote lactation also soothe a diversity of skin conditions and improve the body's immune system, reduce fat and have weight-loss functions. Lemon verbena is brewed from dried leaves, which channel light green tea showed Ze Cheng sunny, fresh and fragrant lemon to, and makes a very refreshing taste.
screen.width * 0.7) this.resized = true; this.width = screen.width * 0.7; this.alt = 'Click here to open new window'; >
jasmine tea Jasmine: origin of the Himalayas, Nepal,beijing massage, India and China
traditional jasmine tea with jasmine smoked different, this selection of dried jasmine tea bud soak into. jasmine are refreshing effect can be emotional stability and the solution reduced. Changyin be nursed back to health endocrine, menstrual disorders, and moisturize the skin for sensitive skin, nerves, a considerable effect, there Weiruo, chronic bronchitis and other respiratory diseases should drink more, in addition to constipation, bad breath, abdominal pain and headache also help.
screen.width * 0.7) this.resized = true; this.width = screen.width * 0.7; this.alt = 'Click here to open new window';Peppermint Tea Peppermint: Mediterranean origin
dried peppermint tea is brewed from peppermint leaves, it was golden brown, light green, with a matchless rich aroma, taste mixed with the cool micro-Xin, aftertaste after drinking. peppermint tea with sweating fever, sterilization sterilization, the provision of foul Huazhuo function, and can relieve a cold cold, migraine, and expectorant most telling, is the elimination of flatulence, assistance digestion, aromatic hangover health solutions stomach surrogate, or a mild sedative drink. It is notable namely mint is not appropriate for fertile women and small infants, ought be avoided.
screen.width * 0.7) this.resized = true; this.width = screen.width * 0.7; this.alt = 'Click here to open new window';digestive ulcers and lymphadenitis have wonderful efficacy and protect the absorbent system, enhance liver function, and to remedy hemorrhoids. In addition, the solution will help ease menstrual pain, suggested women might be extra to drink. golden tea, profiled against the golden floating petals, fragrance ringlet, slightly bitter drink to Gan, can add honey to taste. a cold drink Marigold tea, help to send down a fever, and cool down anger. It also has the town of spasm, and promote the effectiveness of digestion of peptic ulcer very suitable for the patients.
screen.width * 0.7) this.resized = true; this.width = screen.width * 0.7; this.alt = 'Click here to open new window';br> Pu Tizi tea Linden: Origin of Love, the European
Pu Tizi flower gift, flowers are rich in vitamin C, in addition to calm nerves as a function of comfort, but also can remedy the common cold, continuing insomnia, more help treat neurasthenia, lowering blood pressure and prevent arteriosclerosis, to help clear the function of blood vessels fat fat elimination. If after discipline, drink, granting the body feel more snug. In addition also helps digestion and metabolism. fraught with golden tea a silence, sweet, mild taste of the entry glycol. drink may be some add honey. Puti Zi tea drinking can improve sleep, for the bedtime drink.
screen.width * 0.7) this.resized = true; this.width = screen.width * 0.7; this.alt = 'Click here to open new window';Europeans Changyin ranked account of flowers and tea. smell fragrance, a sedative, to help sleep, sensitive permanence help. golden yellow sweet tea in the strong bitter taste accompanied along a unique, warm drink ice drinks both aromatic and delicious. It can promote sweating to dwindle fever occasioned at cold, but also to relax, so that tends to tranquility anxious babies, postprandial drink can help digestion, relieve abdominal pain,toronto escort, bloating, constantly drink will also help improve eyesight , Li liver, lowering blood pressure. effect is very colossal, not surprise alias this.alt = 'Click here to open new window';}Fat Man mini-branches flower color, and it was shrieked digestion, more and more the body get rid of sewage and other consume materials, and pulchritude effect. This Road, though not apparent herbal tea aroma, yet mingled with a track of light in the slightly acidic taste, drink to unique flavor, you can also multiplication a dash of honey flavor .
screen.width * 0.7) this.resized = true; this.width = screen.width * 0.7; this.alt = 'Click here to open new window';Tea (Roships): origin, also known as the European
rose fruit, roses Xie made after the development of juicy berries saucer. Although it has long taken the rose to the history of tea, but the fruit is used to dine roses is nearly fifty years ago. fruit contains the most fecund vitamin C, also contain flavonoids (vitamin B, E, K, especially those containing flavonoids (vitamin P), for the oppression of free radicals (formation of tumors related with malignancy ) formation of extremely favorable. nutrition fruit tea rose the most appropriate, it is often made of syrup, jam, tea and brandy, or mix in the dessert.
screen.width * 0.7) this.resized = true; this.width = screen.width * 0.7; this.alt = 'Click here to open new window';sputum and cough, on the toothache, abdominal pain, amenorrhea help, fresh fragrance charming, often drinking can purify body and mind, poise the nervous system, particularly the body get rid of moisture, ease the spirit, An Xinning God.
screen.width * 0.7) this.resized = true; this.width = screen.width * 0.7; this.alt = 'Click here to open new window';br> also known as fragrance, very suitable for after dinner drink. but can also nourish the skin, promote blood circulation, refresh cells, contribute to women beauty beauty intentions. and can be effective against fever and influenza.
screen.width * 0.7 ) this.resized = true; this.width = screen.width * 0.7; this.alt = 'Click here to open new window';
from a variety of dried fruit pulp is made by special technology, rich in vitamin C, organic sours, dietary fiber, sugars and other beneficial ingredients, rich taste, help digestion, whitening beauty, ailment hindrance and so on. varieties Flowers Jin, zealous fruit, Izu Dancer, enthusiasm fruit tablets, blues, Rashomon, Norwegian Wood, Northern Spring, anxiety Princess, Hokkaido manner, night Tokyo, sleet beauty, Okinawa Love, Shibuya girl, Saga wizard, ninja romance, the fruit of the extraction, cherry and other small balls.
screen.width * 0.7) this.resized = true; this.width = screen.width * 0.7; this.alt = 'Click here to open new window';suitable for any causes. flavors peach tea, strawberry tea, osmanthus tea, rose tea, apple tea, lemon tea, kiwi fruit tea, Earl Grey, star fruit tea, tea, coconut, avocado tea, mint tea, blue berry tea, orange tea, passion fruit tea, green tea, incense wiping, Italy orange tea, grapefruit tea.
screen.width * 0.7) this.resized = true; this.width = screen.width * 0.7; this . alt = 'Click here to open new window';Calendula, the European mallow, heather jasmine, and Europe and so on, because they are rich in vitamin C, and can smooth the circulatory system, skin concern beauty of great benefit to a mild taste of tea gardens, also has the stomach to adjust the stomach functional effect, very suitable for women taste.
screen.width * 0.7) this.resized = true; this.width = screen.width * 0.7; this.alt = 'Click here to open new window'; ;>
compound herbal tea from the flowers of several different flavors deployment. It usually depends on the health characteristics of every flower, or a complementary flavor to choose. because not a single stuff, the taste has been reconciled, and the level with the efficacy of herbal brew, apparently can enhance the effect, so. scale up people of all ages. Here are a few recipes: (for the family element of calculation usually used spoon)
refreshing flavor with lemon to rub and cordial perfume of flowers can promote digestion, relaxing mood:
European mallow 1 / 3 spoons + lemon grass 1 / 3 spoons + Pink Rose 1 / 3 spoons
there is someone preferably irritability
Chamomile 1 / 2 teaspoon + peppermint 1 / 3 spoons + Lime flowers 1 / 3 spoons + lemon verbena 1 / 3
left in the mouth sweet jasmine fragrance
2 / 3 spoons + peppermint 1 / 3 spoons
relax flowers from blue to green, people taste the aromatic lavender
European mallow key + Lavender 1 1 / 4 spoon
ease the physical ache of tea
Chamomile 1 / 2 teaspoon + peppermint 1 / 3 spoons + rosemary 1 / 4 spoon
pressure for a beverage, just apt eliminate the fatigue nerve to drink a cold tin aid slumber
Pu Tizi cost 1 / 3 spoons + Chamomile 1 / 3 spoons + lemon grass 1 / 3 spoons
promote digestion, for behind dinner drink
Pu Tizi spent 1 / 3 spoons + peppermint 1 / 2 teaspoon + Red Rose 1 / 2 teaspoon
waste from the body can help to thin
Pu Tizi spent 1 / 3 spoons + peppermint 1 / 3 spoons + lemon grass 1 / 3 spoons + rosemary 1 / 3 spoons
to physical and cerebral remission lemon verbena tea
1 / 3 spoons + Chamomile 1 / 3 spoons + peppermint 1 / 4 spoon + Calendula 1 / 3 spoons
elegant aroma can relax , boost mood and boost the pleasure of chatting
pink rose 1 / 2 teaspoon + Chamomile 1 / 3 spoons + lavender + lemon grass 4-5 tablets 1 / 2 teaspoon
diffuse proliferation of Muscat in the mouth, refreshing drink, on thin effective
Chinese tea (tea or oolong tea) 1 tsp + 1 red rose bud
refreshing flavor with lemon to promote the flowers, can promote digestion, for the time after dinner to relax and drink
Pink Rose 1 / 2 teaspoon + European mallow 1 / 2 teaspoon + lemon grass 1 / 2 tea spoon
gentle flavors can be used as herbal tea in addition to afternoon tea taste, but if more functionality with its pharmacological , at the appropriate time to enjoy, but also a good alternative. For instance, the fine early morning taste of mint tea catered; repast may wish to promote digestion and lemon verbena supplemented; ahead going to mattress is suitable for drinking tea, lavender Zhumian.
with flowers, or pastoral scenes drew ceramic tea set pattern, can bring respiration of fresh flowers and elegant tea; if use glass tea sets, then await and see posture of flowers floating Shu Shen, and golden yellow or bright green and so slender soup, it is Feast for the Eyes.
seasoning and composite expense
explicit without whichever seasoning to drink, enjoy the flowers and the best color, the smell of tea itself. If not used to its unique taste, add honey or sugar can be proper, subject to herbal tea to avoid the natural sweet taste overshadowed. flowers can also be complicated, and in the taste.
environment atmosphere
taste the natural flavor of herbal tea, the culling of a soft and position of the sun sit, with a light and refreshing snacks, or on their own cautiously peruse a scholastic go, listen to a new centenary air music, or light a few friends almost Smile, enjoy some leisure time.
brewing herbal tea is not complicated, and brewing tea China tea has a lot of common principles. In addition to select high quality raw materials and water, but have come under the option of the characteristics of various herbs. with flowers, flowers and tea leaves as raw material should accept the brewing pot, if the raw material is fruit , bark, roots, stems and other difficult part, should adopt the pot method. In addition, some of the first spume to be submerged for a long time, back to red when you can slightly shrink the time. it is best to drink herbal tea to soak the digit of how much to drink To finish into the refrigerator, and then drink, the color when the Hong although not ever a faultless bubble, but you can stretch shelf l ~ 2 天.
temperature over the teapot in the added measure of flowers, just getting into the heat water, coupled with the stopper and soak for 3-5 minutes. a cup of tea (150-180 mL) are necessitated for plants, about a spoonful of full, if it is large seed leaves nuts or spices, should be fragmented or sacrificed . into the water, by least to wait for 3 minutes. soak time is also long, they become astringent taste or smell, you may not taste good. After a good soak with tea strainer to gush warm tea over the grass tea tea cup and serve hot. teapot tea down to a finish. Also according to personal taste, add honey, sugar, milk and so on. Select the unique flavor of frozen drinks.
to purchase the best herbal tea note the following principles:
reputable suppliers as merchandise, rigid treatment, product packaging to use more standardized and clear markings and instructions,differ types of edible in the endogenous estrogen and progesterone levels vary, select the transparent advent sake, do not place plastic bags, aluminum foil bags should select the products, because to avoid Light humidity to make fresh flowers; often people who drink herbal tea, one of the purchases should not be too much. For those who drink sometimes, you should select a small package; In addition, the time of buy in addition to retard whether the integrity of marred outer packaging should also pay consideration to the appointment of manufacture on the packaging or the shelf life.

in a pleasing viewing in the meantime

Art form to heave the awareness of students to protect the context . for the More than .50 under the guidance of teachers,September 3,beijing massage, the students saw the film, in a jolly viewing in the meantime ,toronto asian escort, the waste and human narratives issues such as calculating .
Photo :
picture : What if the circumstances are fascinated apt them < br>

it namely no the grievances of the sky

Citizens of the Earth
Download: (556.17MB)
Best Content Award, 2005 Art Film Festival, player award for best documentary.
film took 5 years to produce, in 2003, unlocked in the United States. The film systematically and comprehensively revealed how today's large-scale human to murder and cruelty to animals, including cattle (including meat, fish, egg and dairy products, etc.), clothes (including leather and fur, etc.), animal entertainment (including the rodeo, sports, menageries, etc.), associate animals, studio animals and so on. film audiences see, our planet has chance a mammoth slaughter, mankind has fallen into how cruel and foolish of the location without even realizing it. for the animals, the earth as hell.
Howard (Bryce Dallas Howard) said: After the flu:
read , the picture quality is naturally some inconsistency. But I watched, I heavy, my tears to my eyes even more blurred. quality, when not explicit, but ample to bring huge visual clash and spiritual anguish.
Children were sacked, LG with me watching, he has always been a human would not be elated without meat. but this time, he looked very serious, his face is also very heavy, I think: he will be able to cut off the meat was.
my eyes closed, but inside is very calm. We humans do not progress in the industrial civilization, prefer, we are behind, and not hesitate to rush in I choose to call it greed), is not that all the evil from the end of the disaster you?
We do not partake instantly in the killing, but who can say he did not indirectly contained in the slaughter? is not only destroyed the same kin can be called wretched without Renhuan? We are not all high-sounding to quest peace? the survival of other species and populations of all signification does it average that only to satisfy human entertainment, food, dress, medical research, military, and all peremptory trampling and killing? hh moment we can not do without animals, but we are really Innocent, adorable and helpless life in blood, struggling, in the biting, moaning and exclaiming in the hh
When will the retribution? animals will not harm humans, but mankind will dare any group. endless The world ah! natural, animal and human, who is in charge? Who is demolished? killing and revenge that we can only be our own.
I do not want to think about, until one day, the human senses, and we distressed But we have to own the hell into a hopeless abyss. humans think he is advisable, but we have no way to clean drinking toxic water, breathe clean ventilation in sufficient oxygen, the source of more than eating pure and sweet food. And all of this, only thing is since the 19th century. too quick, too quick Yeah! humans are not grinning run-up to his own death, what is?!
If you think you should live with dignity , there are some human spirit, then you must be a vegetarian!
not eat Western edible, and McDonald's taste and fashion, phantasmal, wash, elegant environment to hide the murderous, bloody and yelling. Chinese people eat only chopsticks, no knife and fork.
I'm not eating meat and anyone dairy productions.
I do not wear fur, do not purchase things made leather.
I do not have pets, do not see the circus, I do not go to the zoo.
I want to stay away from Western medication and Western medicine from this, I will take our wide learn of Chinese medicine.
counting to buy annual needs, I will not go to water and taint, but there is an unprecedented body of compounds supermarkets and exhibition stand.
I will not listen to the warranty industry, calumny, and what will inevitably encounter more serious catastrophe, ascertain a safe.
my heart since the security, how can the scourge?
I felt I was reborn.
Here are some of the exotic audience comments on this video (found in the West although the color and culture of our differ, but Rentongcixin, Xintongcili, true not disloyal):
Watch a sense of one of the (translated in English)
Last night, my wife coaxed to show me the very good warm humans back the scenes, such for canteens, leather, pet, therapeutic research, beast activity, and so anything is purely fictional hell not ah!
I still do not know where to go himself, but I definitely feel I have to do something, I have been awakened. not just for my wife and children and family, it is important, as a man, I had to do something for this child on the planet other sentient beings!
I never thought that a movie actually be so mighty, is so deeply touch my interior feelings, and it always changed my life!
see a sense of bis (translated from English)
deep feelings that you invest the Department of the movie. I always feel like a very good and there is no racial prejudice and the species of discrimination. Now I want to re-examine my own life and done of sorts things. Watch a sense of the three (translated from English)
I was awakened this film! Now, I make very clear what I chose.
Thank you for this wake-up call!
watch flu IV (translated from English)
I think this film should be shown the whole people, (so) can not be lack of education as their plea for inhumane behavior. We human cruelty in the end is where you begin? And who educated us that other life is inferior, there is no soul and no feeling?
only to find the basis causes of these problems, we can find a way to remedy this situation.
film once repeatedly proves that visual impact is far a grain of truth the written word can be likened.
to let more people see the film and let it all aware of the truth of humanity.
see a sense of V (translated from English)
was posted to another network page the news of this movie? I have not reproduced, I think everyone should do something.
sense of watching six (translated in English)
In truth, I saw less than half. I inhibiting did not cry out, because I do not want my children aware of.
from now on I will not eat or nectar from any animal to a little something. Thank you for production me open my eyes to see those who understand very well Cruel!
sense of watching seven (translated from English)
my friend, do not fret, I know your rage, frustration and misery.
I have seen the movie, the lower my brain For I am a member of the human race deeply ashamed.
sense of watching eight (translated from English)
video I have merged feelings: ache, impair, woe, disgust or even harmed ... consciousness all the feelings inside, even I do not fully understand now.
I write this post, my eyes still full of tears.
Thank you for letting me know the facts and the truth, I and let more people know!
see a sense of 9 (translated in English)
I spent an hour a 15 min of an hour before 12-year-old son I see the film, while he kept looking I really hate to mention, let him see the show.
He then debated that he will not hack the pharynx of animals and slaughter plants will not grow up to go.
Finally, he said I will not eat meat is ashamed of the cruelty of mankind, I am exceedingly malign, my heart can not calm!
Here are some of the servant audience comments on this video
earth belongs to all creatures, but the pillaging of the human it is a decision!
assist for mutual advocacy, both from their own start: put down the meat is the greatest compassion, the environment, society and the greatest contribution to future generations. can not change people , can not let social advocacy, and that our practice of vegetarianism is a very telling way of salvation.
I recently studied this on the internet 3 annuals antecedent the documentary, whereas a bit late, merely look by h found whether we really want change at the end of the day nobody of this is thought also late to h more than 3 years ago a documentary about the group and we human beings living in this beauteous animal on globe, how to be a very inhumane course to remedy to meet the basic needs of human beings or entertainment at your absence for a large amount.
after reading,
mind would ask:
human existence,
they working to be in the building h
or destroy it??
in the beautiful sugar-coated the bottom, we know how much truth there?
we are willing to accept and face it?
we and other animals, nature and even the h h Earth very near relationship we want to see it all be destroyed in the great cycle of human civilization below you?
It is time to change.
first I capable from the treatise Buddhist Mountain the self-respect and precious life, this movie made me feel more intuitive it. thank a large Buddhist Mountain, thanks to this movie ......< br> (VI)
~ p.m. on the and Politics the status of Earth's resources now, followed closely on the presentation of the film ~ watching the really sorrowful. see when slaughtering animals, which both eyes, and a waterfront pond of blood, half-way I do not want to dream what will occur a few times we really so cruel? merely ......< br> (seven)
people do is the potentate of beasts, and his cruelty is better than all the animals. We live by the necrosis of other creatures,toronto escorts, We are all grave. I was very juvenile to swear not to eat their meat. one day, people will rely on the killing as assassinate.
mm da Vinci
why the globe The killing is so massive? Who knows, countless animals being massacred, it is not the grievances of the sky? they have not made a personal corner reincarnation, it is the mission of retaliate because a world? Why are build up animal and plant extinction and the development of an increasing population? But who can veto that, in the era of Pangu, the Goddess created the digit of whole conscience is nailed, being a marble world of plants and animals are extinct life, may really convey is made at personal reincarnation? to rend the world's assorted causes and conditions?
So, no matter what the savor of it, be sure to reserve a little compassion for the environment we live in, in array to accumulate morality, for the benefit of their offsprings , merciful, treat our plants and animals friends, do not be too merciless in it.
people as the god of production, landlord of Earth, how should we treat our planet?
not checks and balances, supervision and regulation, we are however it tin not?
reverence for life, is to adore yourself. When the gradual extinction of various genes, the resources will cut off.
not understand the diversity of life reason, is never felt the earth scientists grief.
at current purpose to change human existence in this world of biological frameworks, the hereafter seems definite is wrong. Therefore, humans must learn restraint and control their own desires.
people is the soul, should assume the good and the beautiful seraph,
the elimination of all evil deeds, the spirit of love to pass.
A Jun: ha ha ha ha, vegetarian is to release animals to eat plants So peace of mind for you??? eating animals do not also released for the plant???? heart of gloom, according to the See of Fozhi how sunny???
B Jun: jeer - opposition the - you acknowledge
apparently in the first stage, redouble their efforts and asked stink?
each life has equal value, and human forever want to do on earth foreman, when each species can live in harmony, from the demise of really far away.
had sometimes eat snakes, constantly imagine of snakes on a couple of little eyes staring at I absolutely Xiaxing from a dream, and then do not eat later, no accomplish such a dream
friends, just to see. is downloaded at the above residence, wish to see this film as soon as feasible. not exclusive.
(fourteen )
I downloaded very smoothly, and did not come and wholeness began to attempt to blaze the achieved disc player can put the DVD. the first venture to do such activities, carved turn 4 is not ideal (very time), then finally bought a software from the Internet somehow. has to flow to the burn vocational setter (free time soon). the original DVD is too possible with a honor card to buy the aboriginal site, but most people still like to have Chinese subtitles. and download the code rate is 800, better than VCD.
when watching the > we treat animals of all acts, now are slowly accustomed against us. We believe that murder, mutilation, trampling other species and populations, while demand is correct, but also to school our children, mutilation, trampling, killing himself The same group is correct, you see, now the world is obtaining aggravate hh
have statistics, in Central and South America, each producing 1 pound of beef requires about 20 square meters destroyed the rainforest. In addition, each producing 1 pound of beef requires 5421 gallons of water, and produce 1 pound of wheat only 25 gallons of water. in 1 acre of land quality,in the and learn what link, can produce 40,000 pounds of potatoes or 10,000 pounds of beans, but can only produce 250 pounds of meat. while in the United States, have spent almost half of the measure of water in the cultivation of livestock and other livestock feed.
rapidly in such irrational expense of natural resources of the modern world, it was pre - Introduction: Perhaps nothing can better than the vegetarian diet to amend the human amplify in health and future survival on Earth a opportunity.
the same reason. damaging my heart. Why do not the harmonious coexistence?
so sad! very sad! looked at heart can not tell the uneasy feeling ``! so I think the whole world people ... are ... .. how do you say peace if we can treat animals. more good. people ah. change it vegetarian!
fact narrate the truth, people do not eat Like so much meat to survive! meat mall excess demand resulted in massive afford, catalytic action of those who have, think, do we really need to eat so much meat in order to better survive? number of diseases because we face a outcome of eating meat to face it? in the recommended nutritional meat while the meat inside the harmful substances have not announced how many? appropriate criteria to their diet, as a compel in the world , each of us a universal citizen power.
too cruel, are horrible human beings than any devil!! even the demons, ghosts and no human cruelty!!
disgrace!! this world can no longer stay out.
I still feel good meat, but because of the guilt and difficult to swallow, for peace of idea, I am decided. not to eat meat.
(the twenty-first)
grief, sadness, traces of conscience who treat the.
Why did they undergo? people will undergo for this intention.
I am a vegetarian, do not want to stomach a loaded garbage, the second does not want students difficult ailment and the third is with sympathy, but not carnivorous.
people can not religious, but cause and efficacy can not believe, the Buddha urged the world to the fifth century BC, a vegetarian, to assure that the new never stopped killing animals. humans do not agree in deep introspection, self-will eat the bitter fruit.
I am not a Buddhist, but I have compassion. I still think the meat delicious, but because of the guilt and difficult to swallow, for peace of mind, I am insistent. no longer eat meat.
read this the film really wanted to do a vegetarian.
I have read the same book with this content was yet feeling very shocked now look above this bloody terror film feel more elegant to think we humans us with a delicious meat to the animals but do not know how to endure the pain! Khan left my sweat is the sweat of guilt because I know it all will be forgotten long before human beings will always persist to shove their own on the road to ruin ...
I had to do not like to eat meat! look after my heart, I felt even worse! determined to be vegetarian ...
(XXVIII) < br> the best bit far away from humans.
do not know what to say ...... wish that we almost do not eat meat ......< br> (xxx)
reiterated two days marveling why such a demand for progress of mankind? the so-called economy development in those two countries union profitable is that? decades, centuries, millennia in the past, these have a bubble , but the earth's natural life, the original green will no longer exist! I'm chilling ...
have been ready for bed. has been to see 3. similar to formerly seen the theme of the Earth movie. 90 minutes, 90 minutes shock.
really nobody to say, why did not answer? because we eat meat, we wear. We have naught to say.
There are many person capacity , camouflage namely 1 of numerous good entities truly fair masked. self-deception.
indiscriminate killing of innocent human beings, human over-harvesting, human resources are not ideally meet the earth. mankind is act what?
may Only God knows,toronto asian escort, when creating a guardian angel of nature becomes how long now ..
wish namely we belong apt every other love.
the human mama of the earth, today, been scarred, everyone is compliant to improve environmental awareness, to a standing ovation it, and life on Earth.
2 people recommend this film, it seems really have to really see Look.
I calculate that creature indifferent to the lust of pork alternatively refuse beef, is to amplify self-virtue, and thus life itself is a variety of self-cultivation vegetarian, indivisible, peace and love, set in this glorious vegetarian prototype. from a psychological point of outlook, all beings have the center afraid to dead, and maximum human absence to survive, Care, Animal is it not? this should be variety to all alive asset, right!
All living beings are citizens of the Earth,
ambitioning to normal, human, animal, peaceful coexistence, shared, mutual love.
film eventually told the audience:
vitality of this earth, there are three: ecology, animals , and humans. We are all citizens of the Earth. May we belong to each other love.

April 22

Earth Day was first observed in Spring of 1970. An estimated 20 million folk national attended festivities out of which came the largest grassroots environmental movement in US history,toronto escorts, the maximum efficient chest enhancement productions : and the impetus as national legislation like the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts. By the twentieth annual of namely event, April 22, 1990, more than 200 million folk in 141 countries partook in Earth Day celebrations.
Former US Senator Gaylord Nelson, Earth Day's co-founder, modeled Earth Day above anti- Vietnam War demonstrations, shrieked context,toronto escort, Day.
Since the 1st Earth Day, whatsoever, the environmental manoeuvre has increasingly altered itself from a largely grassroots,Jiangsu, citizen crusade to a professionally-organized, built special interest.

merely while the redden apt encounter

There is a world of people ... with you , you always inquired to be milliin times more clothes , disburse care to their own safety ! you feel pain, but also feel quite gratifying . short of money , he always Say words favor money is not simple to teach you a lesson , when lessons Frontier money to you , this man called parents !
there is a person in the world ... and you together, and you occasionally fight, and sometimes You bicker , he is always wrong to grab your snack , always a snitch to their parents , but always love you more than anybody else ,toronto escorts, you have the most intimate relationship among the most intimate , such a person is called hand-foot !
There namely a earth of people ... not the time apt encounter would have thought of him, merely when the blush to meet , what would mention not to export , he could lightly grasped your center , so that you can no forget , likewise Make you cranky sleep well , but you still conditions willingly, because you adore him , he is the sweetest the sweetest you load , such a human is phoned Valentine !
world has a digit of people do not know you ... Little known secrets of the exam when he helped you cheat , make blunders , when he helped you find causes , when a man crush aboard him to assist you convey a information , and lovers quarrel , you 'll work calling to find Him you're sorry is that you always come to consider approximately his difficulties , but you are very lucky in life there have been so agreeable a man , and maybe you share together , even for a long time lover went fairly long, such a person Ask their friends ,Fly those amusement area!
world there is a person ... always beneath the conservation of their parents have grown to situate their sibling relationships , attention of the sweetheart to ascertain true love, the care of friends to get lukewarm, you understand These people afterward your life , but also enrich your life , thank you but they always send you not say that this person is their own !
all thought that pleasure in the distance, you can pursue in the hereafter View ,toronto asian escort, reserving my eyes looked , and my ears heard carefully for terror of negligence missed. after found that those who prop the hand over , sang anthems, the tears stream , loved the people have been nigh, you adore Around you who cherish each 1 !

merely the medicine 2 days and the symptoms of which May has been there is no better .10 9

Disease control ministry of the town yesterday has officially given to the animals killed Liaobu order
(Reporter Jiang Yongtao trainee reporter Huang Jin) who lives in the 11-month size Liaobu Lung Chan loveliness girls (not his real name) the day before yesterday 18:50 along Rabies died in the Tung Wah Hospital where he died, the causes which led to her illness, when really his household in July to buy the dog licked her wounds occasioned by their toes. to press period yesterday,toronto escorts, at present, Dongguan City, rabies slew this annual because digit namely near to 30 folk, a log high, in array to control the epidemic scatter, authorities yesterday proposed Liaobu address in May within 2.5 km around the killing of cats, dogs and entire other warm-blooded animals.
crazy dog before sim girl licked the wound
Long was born in the United States in February 2005,shanghai massage, the parents of Xingning people, since the full moon began, she and parents live in Liaobu Longgang Town, Pan Fu Zhu Shan countryside, his family said Ami's body has been very agreeable. This year in July, the family in order to multiplication a playmate Ami, Liao Bu Town, Village from the mart to buy a puppy home, Ami puppy love and melodrama, and the dog also seems docile, often licking the head Ami, feet, hands and other situations, seeing at Amy and puppy melodrama scene, the family enjoyable. According to reflect the May family, in August, when May injured his toe in the creep, the dog has been licking May the wound.
worrying things occur in September. dog bite for no reason other people's jeans began actively looked anxious, and afterward because it killed a neighbor's chickens were killed, their families be discarded in the waste dump, when the family dog ​​may be outrageous to doubt, yet because the dog had not bitten Ami, Ami so it ambition not be worried about rabies.
initial remedial treatment to be misdiagnosed as flu
Lung Chan's family said the United States, opening October 7, May began with fever, occasional cough, chilly omens and needy cerebral was give her some chilly medicine to take, but the pill two days and the omens of which May has been there is no better .10 9, May fall while wading, after the baby appears to be very fear and fear strangers, looking bruising, but the family did not achieve that May day, may fall due to solemn illness,toronto escorts, crying so badly, when it thought it was spoiled child. signs of life repeatedly to the hospital Liaobu people, doctors diagnosed as hospitals in May confessed to ICU (Intensive Care Unit), through the hospital for beyond examination to exclude meningitis and other diseases.
quick attack of ten died
10 月 12 May Lobbying in Japan undergoing from side initially suspected rabies and reported to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Dongguan City, Fang Baoke. Dongguan City CDC examine found, Ami was conscious, with a explicit terror of water, alarm of the air and throat muscles spasm, diagnosed as rabies, a prefatory inquiry confirmed infected with rabies in the access Ami dog licked the toe wound. for so far no efficient treatment for the disease, the hospital can do to May some advocate appropriate treatment, although, October 16 18:50 PM points, Ami ultimate because the heart,toronto escort, respiratory failure and death.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Dongguan City, specialists say, to yesterday, Dongguan City, the number of deaths this year deserving to rabies is close to 30 people, setting the occurrence of rabies in Dongguan, a metropolis 5 years since the record high, according to before thinking of occurrence, the incidence of rabies this year, the aggregate number may surpass 30. More than half of local infection. rabid animal bite, timely and correct processing of more than 85% of the wound to prevent infection, thereby preventing the death of catastrophe. approximate, Dongguan City, Center for Disease Control and Prevention made a determination to issue a prim Liaobu animals killed to make: Ami residence within 2.5 km around the dogs, cats and other warm-blooded animals may have rabies shall be killed, no peeling, after killing , pork and bargain, have to be burnt or buried deep processing.
However, if the implementation of the hound so well, can play a good protective efficacy, 1 expert said is not optimistic. It is reported that as early as 2003, Liaobu Town has behaved a large-scale behavior to eliminate the dog, a 74-year-old matron was creature bitten by dogs after rabies led to death, this instance is Liaobu May 2004 to the first case of local cases .
start in September this year, Liao Bu Town Animal Immunology caress dogs and cats on the area carried out during the second immunization, Ami why this tragic incident will happen? the experts said, the dog licked May have not received immunization, which is invariable with the present position in the pertinent enroll and record of dogs, cats appearance, a great number of dogs, cats did not partake in immunization, making it laborious to fashion immune barrier can not assure that rabies does not spread. .
likewise absence to prevent disease via the wound were dogs, cats and additional host animal bites, scratches, behind wounding the animals who tin not determine the health of animals, the injured place should be instantly washed and disinfected thoroughly. extra local bruise manipulation As early as possible. bathe the bruise thoroughly with soap and water alternatively water at fewest quarterutes, bathe the wound thoroughly washed with 2-3% tincture of iodine or 75% liquor rubbed the wound.
bare skin if necessary chew or no bleeding minor scratches or abrasions, are mildly precarious situation, to immediately handle with the wound and rabies vaccine; if one of the following is a serious danger, in counting to the wound and immediate injection of rabies vaccine, rabies still passive immune agents:
1. Single or multiple escapes scampers through the rind at the bite or scratch;
2. licks on broken skin;
3. mucosa by contaminated animal liquids.
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